Chapter 22 Officially Disowning and Cleansing to Leave the Family

"Village chief, wait a moment," Feng Xi called out to the village chief who was walking out.

"Oh, Feng Xi, is there something else?" the village chief turned to see who had called him and stopped in his tracks to ask.

"Village chief, I would like to request with my sister to leave our clan, and we ask you to bear witness," Feng Xi said loudly, determined to break ties with the Feng Family. Who knows what other troubles might lie in wait for him and his sister if they stayed.

"This is... Feng Xi, look, everything has been cleared up, it was all a misunderstanding. Why are you taking it so seriously and insisting on leaving the clan?" the village chief said, trying to dissuade him awkwardly.

"Village chief, don't bother with that ingrate. To defy an elder in front of everyone and act so stubbornly, if that's what he wants, then so be it. Let's consider that the Feng Family no longer has this grandson," Feng Youcai said, his face red with anger.