Chapter 26 Cutting Off One's Retreat

"Don't worry, Uncle, I've got the seeds ready, just waiting to nurture the seedlings now, waiting to till the land, make some minor adjustments, and then we can transplant the rice. By late July, all we need to do is wait for a good harvest," Feng Xuxu assured Uncle Hui with a promise.

Feng Xuxu counted the days, in just over half a month it would be time to transplant. Taking advantage of the time before transplanting, she hurriedly leveled the land. Dry fields were different from paddy fields; it was necessary to divide the dry land into sections and build small rice paddy bunds around the sides to hold the water in and prevent it from flowing away.

The action-oriented Uncle Hui, after listening, grabbed his tools and, leading his family, along with Feng Xuxu and Feng Xi, headed to the fields.