Chapter 55 One Thing After Another

The ox cart trundled into Luo Family Village, with a gaggle of children chasing behind it down the main street, pushing and pulling each other, giggling softly as they debated whose house to visit.

Once within the village, Feng Xi halted the ox cart and summoned a child over, asking, "Where can I find your village head? If you answer correctly, these sweets will be yours."

"I know where the village head's house is. I'll take you there." A skinny little boy clothed in patched garments raised his hand and replied to Feng Xi.

"All right, then these sweets are yours to enjoy." Feng Xi gave a thumbs up just like Feng Xuxu would. Yet again, his sister had outsmarted him coming up with this idea.

Through interaction with the children, Feng Xuxu learned that the village head of Luo Family Village was Luo Jiabao. He was about forty-seven years old and lived on the eastern side of the village.