Chapter 104 Preparing to Build a Greenhouse (7)

After taking a sip of tea, she continued speaking, "During this period, you must remember every single word I say. Each of you from every village has your tasks. Starting tomorrow, all the men will go up the mountain to cut bamboo and trees, while some of the leftover women will cook and the rest will continue picking fruit. The distillery will remain as is, while everyone else gets to work. As for who cooks and who picks fruit, let the village chiefs decide upon your return. Gather outside the manor at the end of Mao Time and the beginning of the next hour tomorrow. The five villages can simply find bamboo nearby."

"Yes, Miss," they responded.

"Well, if there's nothing else, you all can go back and make arrangements." Feng Xuxu waved her hand, and the people left one by one, getting ready for work tomorrow.