On December 15, three days after the banquet, Feng Xuxu sat by the window at night, gazing at the moon above. It was so bright that even without a candle lit in the room, one could still make out the furnishings inside. The night's cold wind blew in through the open window, chilling to the bone. Outside, the bare trees stood stark in the yard, their leaves long gone, with only a few birds perched on the branches, seemingly stunned, curled up there, their feathers tightly wrapping their tiny, thin claws, eyes closed in deep sleep.
"It's too cold, stop looking and go back to sleep,"
A cloak was draped over her; she hastily wiped the tears from her eyes, smiling and looking back at him coyly as she tugged at his hand, "I can't sleep, keep me company a little longer."
Dugu Chen chuckled, picked her up, and sat in her place, placing her on his lap as they both watched the bright moon outside together.