Chapter 44: Creating Brilliance by Growing Stronger and Bigger

On the test site, as the distant dust gradually settled, the collapsed mountain wall appeared before everyone. Accompanied by the clattering sound of falling rocks, the scene was instantly filled with chaotic applause and excited discussions.

"Wow! That's some heavy firepower, indeed!"

"Absolutely! And that was just a ten-tube salvo. Imagine if it were forty tubes!"

"Exactly! Plus, we're still using homemade explosives. If we switch to standard ones, the power could increase by at least thirty percent!"

"Wow, this stuff is cheap and effective!"

"Haha, the factory manager's got a sharp eye. I bet this product will sell like hotcakes!"

"Manager! Manager! Say a few words to everyone!"

"Yeah, come on, Manager! Say something!"

Amidst the excited chatter, the call for Wang Ye to speak became prominent. Finally, amidst the shoving of the crowd, Wang Ye jumped onto the low wall, cleared his throat, and addressed the sparkling eyes before him with a smile, vigorously waving his arms.

"This is a successful experiment! This is a victorious experiment!"

"This is the result of our factory's concerted efforts. This is an important step in creating wealth through intellect and labor. This represents our entry into a new category of products."

"In the future, we must delve deeper, stay grounded, never forget our original intentions, and develop more powerful products."

"Adhering to the principle of meeting market demands and treating customers as gods is our operational guideline. Upholding high quality and standards is the guiding principle to dominate the market with military-grade quality!"

"For the country's prosperity! For the factory's wealth! Let's grow bigger, stronger, and create brilliance!"

"Victory is within reach, comrades! Charge!"

With Wang Ye's voice, the crowd became even more excited, unable to resist waving their fists in the air. The vision of a better life seemed to unfold before them, and they fervently shouted:

"For the country's prosperity! For the factory's wealth!"

"Let's grow bigger, stronger, and create brilliance!"

"Charge! Work hard! Victory is within reach!"

Witnessing this scene, the old factory director heaved a long sigh of relief. At that moment, he felt as though the invisible and heavy burden on his shoulders had vanished in an instant, and his spine straightened a bit.

"Alright, alright! You were supposed to say a few words, not lead a rally!"

"The rhetoric was certainly impressive!"

Finally, with the old factory director's voice, the scene erupted into laughter.

Meanwhile, as the test site buzzed with excitement, a group of people from the mechanical factory were busy with aftermath work at the target range. In the distance, they heard the sound of a helicopter approaching. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the helicopter descended, and as the side door opened, the squad leader, holding a rifle, shouted vigilantly at the ground, where at least thirty people stood.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

Then, the helicopter cautiously lowered closer, and upon hearing voices from below, the squad leader's tone softened.

"We're from the Red Star Mechanical Factory."

"We're conducting tests on new agricultural products!"

Upon hearing the voices from the helicopter, the leader on the ground shouted in response.

Observing the cylindrical objects already unearthed on the ground, as well as those still half-buried, all resembling rocket shells, the squad leader couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. However, due to the fact that the other party was from the Red Star Mechanical Factory, he relaxed his guard a bit and couldn't help but ask:

"Agricultural products? Aren't you supposed to have transitioned from military production to civilian?"

Facing the squad leader's questioning, the leader on the ground nodded and explained:

"Yes, we have transitioned. These are artificial rain enhancement rocket shells, which are civilian products, not weapons!"

At that moment, upon hearing the explanation from the ground, the squad leader felt a mix of irritation and amusement. Who would have thought that the emergency situation that had startled everyone was actually caused by artificial rain enhancement rocket shells produced by the mechanical factory?

Moreover, the objects, with their diameter as wide as a bowl and a length of over two meters, were being transported over ten kilometers from here to the mechanical factory. Artificial rain enhancement rocket shells? What kind of nonsense was this? It seemed like a deliberate disruption!

However, he could only manage to say:

"This experiment is very dangerous! What if it hits someone? And it's not far from the station. What if it hits a fighter jet?"

To this, the man on the ground quickly waved his hand and explained:

"We reported it yesterday."

"We called the City Industrial Bureau, but they said it wasn't their jurisdiction. We called the Armed Forces Department, but they said it belongs to the Agriculture Bureau. We called the Agriculture Bureau, and they said it's under the jurisdiction of the Forestry Bureau..."

"Finally, our factory manager called the Provincial Defense Office and confirmed that there were no fighter jets around!"

"And we checked, there's no one else nearby!"

Hearing this, the squad leader had nothing more to say. He could only take out his camera, snap a few pictures, and say:

"Alright, we got it. Be careful."

"Come visit the station sometime when you're free!"

Then, the helicopter took off, leaving the ground crew to continue their work. They lifted the objects already unearthed and began walking back in pairs, while others continued to dig and insert steel pipe rocket shells into the soil.

Shortly after, the news reached the base command office.

"Indeed, it was that kid's doing."

"I heard those things are as wide as the caliber of our Type 81 rocket artillery."

"When the helicopter arrived, there were still quite a few that looked like radishes sticking out of the ground, and they were busy digging them up!"

"And they even claimed it was agricultural equipment, artificial rain enhancement rocket shells!"

"I have to admit, I'm impressed!"

After hanging up the phone, Commander Song smiled with a complex expression, and sitting there, Director Liang smiled awkwardly without saying a word. After all, this matter could be big or small, and the Red Star Mechanical Factory had once been his subordinate enterprise, so it wasn't appropriate to say anything.

"But they did report it. They didn't just call you; they made calls to the city and province."

"It's just that no one took it seriously! What a situation..."

Finally, Commander Song said, and Director Liang sighed helplessly and said:

"After all, nothing like this has ever happened before!"

Then, the room fell into a brief silence. A few seconds later, Commander Song suddenly said:

"Old Liang, I want to go to the Red Star Mechanical Factory and meet this kid."

"I feel like he's a genius!"

Director Liang didn't refuse Commander Song's request, nodding and suggesting:

"Why not go together tomorrow?"

"I have to go there anyway since I negotiated the motorcycle engine production line. Tomorrow's the delivery, so I'm planning to check it out!"

Commander Song nodded, and then both of them lost interest in speaking, each silently pondering their own thoughts, while the clerk continued to replenish the tea pot one after another.

The next day, at six in the morning, the last batch of gas cylinders was sent off.

At the small square in front of the factory, a platform over a meter high had been erected. The finance department staff were moving sacks of money and neatly stacking them on the table on the platform.

By around eight in the morning, the golden rays of the sun illuminated the wall made of a large pile of bricks, and Wang Ye stood on the platform, pacing slowly, while more and more people gathered below!

Today was payday!