Chapter 46: The Canine Strategist

Regarding Commander Song's sentiment, Wang Ye explained with a smile:

"We should play to our strengths, shouldn't we? In the past, we were military-industrial enterprises. Even though we've shifted to civilian production, shouldn't we still leverage our strengths?"

"As a major agricultural nation, our demand for artificial rain can only grow. Relying solely on the old Yun-5 aircraft from the meteorological department won't cut it, not to mention the flying costs. With such a vast country, they simply can't keep up!"

"So, I figured we need to simplify this process. The Russians have been using rain-enhancing rockets for a while now. How can we be left behind?"

"And look, now our first artificial rain rocket is out! The rain-enhancing effect is promising! We'll test it in a few days!"

Upon hearing Wang Ye's explanation, Commander Song hesitated for a moment, gently touching the artificial rain rocket and then turning to Wang Ye with a skeptical look:

"Hmm, you're really serious about this, huh?"

"Well then, go ahead and test it! If the effect turns out to be good, I'll personally arrange for our Agricultural Corps to purchase some. That'll be supporting your business, won't it?"

"And if the enemy really comes knocking, we can use it as a weapon too. Quite clever, isn't it? After all, it's integrating agriculture and warfare! Hahaha!"

At this point, Commander Song seemed to remember something amusing, unable to suppress a few laughs. Then his attention shifted to the nearby gas canister. The room, currently designated as a "product exhibition room" by Wang Ye, also had the gas canister on display.

Looking at the gas canister in front of him, which was obviously unpainted to save costs, Commander Song couldn't help but exclaim:

"Is this it? Four hundred dollars? It's quicker than robbing a bank!"

"I wonder if our African friends are wealthy... or just naive!"

Regarding Commander Song's remarks, Wang Ye waved his hand in disagreement:

"Commander Song, I can't agree with that statement of yours."

"Our African friends are savvy! Originally priced at five hundred dollars, they bargained it down to four hundred dollars!"

"And by saying that, you're overlooking the important role our machinery factory played in facilitating this deal."

"That's not fair!"

As Wang Ye finished speaking, Director Liang, standing beside him, couldn't help but sneer:

"I think you're overlooking your own important role, Commander Song."

"Why bring up the machinery factory?"

However, Commander Song remained silent. After a few seconds, he turned to Wang Ye and said:

"So, Wang Ye, you volunteered to join the Red Star Machinery Factory."

"Did you already have a plan back then?"

Seeing Commander Song's serious gaze, Wang Ye didn't joke or tease. He sighed and nodded:

"Well, sort of! After seeing one military project after another being canceled, I just couldn't sit still. I wanted to do something, and then I got inspired."

Regarding Wang Ye's explanation, Commander Song nodded and then walked over to a nearby chair, motioning for Wang Ye and Director Liang to sit as well. While the staff poured tea, Commander Song actually took out a cigarette case and handed out some army-issue cigarettes to Wang Ye and Director Liang.

After lighting them up, Commander Song asked:

"Tell me, in the gas canister deal."

"What important role did you play?"

Without hesitation, Wang Ye said:

"It's actually quite simple, just three points."

"First, market-oriented product design; second, proactive sales targeting customer needs; third, a little imagination."

"And that's how the whole deal was sealed."

As Wang Ye finished speaking, Commander Song sighed:

"Easy to say, hard to do!"

"After all, how many people can come up with ideas like yours?"

With that, Commander Song looked at Wang Ye, the smoke swirling around him, hesitatingly asking:

"Wang Ye, do you think we can expand to include gas canisters and these rockets?"

To this suggestion from Commander Song, Wang Ye shook his head and said:

"Commander Song, it's not that I, Wang Ye, am being stingy and don't want everyone to make money together."

"But think about it, the market for these products, while large enough to keep our machinery factory running smoothly, is also small. There are over two hundred third-tier factories in our country alone. Add in other military factories, and there are at least eight hundred, if not a thousand."

"Except for the top-tier ones, if we subtract two hundred, that leaves six hundred factories dealing with this stuff. What do you think the final result will be?"

After Wang Ye finished speaking, Commander Song sighed deeply, and the room fell silent again. Director Liang just continued to smoke silently. As for the former factory director and others accompanying them, they looked at Wang Ye, who was chatting with Commander Song confidently, and could only bow their heads in silence.

Finally, a few seconds later, Commander Song looked at Wang Ye again and asked:

"Wang Ye, I think our ideas are similar."

"Do you have any suggestions?"

When speaking with intelligent people, it's like this. And of course, Wang Ye also understood what Commander Song meant. After all, the concerns of the military and the defense department were the same since the military and military industry hadn't split yet. Commander Song's worries were no different from those of the Ministry of National Defense and the Fifth Ministry.

"In my opinion, the military industry can only save itself now."

As Wang Ye began to speak, Director Liang immediately interjected:

"Wang Ye! Be cautious!"

Commander Song waved his hand and said:

"It's okay."

"Today, we're just chatting. Feel free to speak your mind."

Under the gaze of Commander Song and Director Liang, Wang Ye gritted his teeth and then said:

"To save ourselves, we have to start from our own field. What I've been doing is just a small step and can't make a big impact."

"So, for military units, selling legitimate products is the most important thing!"

"And in my opinion, there are three key elements to selling them."

Just as Wang Ye finished speaking, Commander Song instructed a military officer standing beside him:

"Take note!"

Then he looked at Wang Ye again, and without hesitation, Wang Ye said:

"First, influence."

"Our country has been closed off for so long, and our influence internationally is minimal. Many countries haven't even heard of us, so how can they buy our products?"

"So, to sell products, we need to increase our influence."

"And to increase our influence, we need the joint efforts of the country, the military, and the factories!"

After hearing this, Commander Song frowned, then said to Wang Ye:

"Do you have any ideas? Feel free to share!"

Regarding Commander Song's question, Wang Ye smiled and waved his hand, saying:

"To be honest, I don't."

"But when it comes to the machinery factory, I can say a few words!"

Wang Ye's words immediately sparked curiosity in Commander Song, whose expression changed from mild disappointment to curiosity. He smiled and asked:

"Then tell us about the machinery factory!"

To this, Wang Ye said with a smile:

"The machinery factory is easy. We've already made contact with Tanzania."

"After Kagwe realizes the benefits, I'll turn Tanzania into a transit point. We'll export semi-finished products, they'll process them into finished products, and then we'll sell them throughout Africa."

"I guess soon, products from the Red Star Machinery Factory will become well-known in the low-end markets of Africa and even take a significant place."

"So, what other products we sell in the future will be much easier, won't it?"

Commander Song frowned, deep in thought for a few seconds before continuing:

"What about the second point?"

Wang Ye took over:

"The second point is the release of production tasks."

"In the past, our military-industrial enterprises followed orders step by step."

"In my opinion, this is no different from the way farmers used to work collectively in the past. It's difficult to show subjective initiative! So now, isn't it contracted production?"

"Since that's the case, why can't our enterprises do it? Let me say something outrageous."

"Look at the United States, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, aren't they all military-industrial units? But aren't they making a fortune?"

"If they can make money, why can't we?"

At this point, with Wang Ye's voice, Director Liang's face became increasingly heavy with worry, while Commander Song nodded silently, saying:

"And the third point?"

Wang Ye sighed and said:

"The third point is imagination."

"Our domestic technology is lagging behind, that's an undeniable fact. But lagging behind in technology doesn't mean we can't produce useful products."

"And how to produce market-welcoming products."

"It requires each unit to show subjective initiative, to use imagination, and to strive to create!"