Chapter 58: The Smoke Clears

Just as the fuse hissed and burned for a brief moment, the soldiers firing near the breach, like ants on a hot pan, began to retreat at an unimaginable speed, and the sound of gunfire suddenly diminished!

Outside the wall, seeing this scene, the assaulting army's commanding officer, Major Poli, was overjoyed and shouted:

"They are beginning to fear! They are starting to run!"

"Everyone, listen up! Charge! Kill them all! One hundred dollars per ear!"

"Charge! Kill!"

With his roar, perhaps tempted by the offer of one hundred dollars, these soldiers went completely berserk, charging recklessly, throwing more and more explosives!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by the explosions of the explosives, the foremost soldiers had already reached the breach!

In that instant!


A distinct muffled sound rang out!

Almost instantly, the entire breach exploded!


A visible shockwave swept through, the soldiers who had charged up were instantly torn apart and thrown into the air, then engulfed by the rising smoke and dust!

There was not even time for a wail, and as the smoke gradually dissipated, the scene was littered with broken bodies, and the breach itself had been almost completely leveled!

"Ha ha ha! Keep firing! Keep firing!"

In the courtyard, seeing this scene, the burly man, Muha, looked particularly fanatic, waving his hand and shouting.

And behind the hill, Major Poli felt a surge of blood to his head. He didn't actually care how many people died; achieving the goal was what mattered most. But he hadn't expected them to use heavy mortars for direct fire!

"Charge! Keep charging! Once inside the courtyard, their heavy weapons are useless!"

"Then they'll all be lambs to the slaughter!"

"A thousand dollars per ear, charge in! Charge in!"

With Major Poli's shouts, soldiers quickly organized another charge, and gunfire erupted again near the breach, while explosions rang out once more in the courtyard!

Upon hearing this sound, the charging soldiers quickly took cover, but there was no second explosion at the breach!

"Look up! Watch the sky!"

"Take cover!"

As Major Poli's voice rang out, many people looked up at the sky, and indeed, they saw streaks of fire tracing graceful arcs, flying out from the courtyard!

"Boom! Boom!"

The next moment, gas cylinders fell and exploded on the ground!

Instantly, a powerful shockwave spread out, dirt raining down like a torrent, scattered body fragments visible everywhere, countless cries and screams filling the air!

And with no respite, the sounds of "bang bang" continued inside the wall, with streaks of fire flashing across the sky!

With each gas cylinder falling, lives were harvested!

Outside the wall, it was the flat grassland and low hills unique to Africa, with no trenches or bunkers to take cover in. Even the waves of exploding shockwaves made it impossible to stand steadily, forcing people to crawl on the ground, praying silently that the bombs wouldn't fall around them!

But facing the nearly two hundred-meter radius of destruction from the gas cylinders, luck was hard to come by!

"Charge! Charge! A thousand dollars per ear!"

"As long as we charge in, their bombs are useless!"

Amidst Major Poli's voice and the stimulus of money, many people continued to charge fearlessly.

For a while, the battle entered a stalemate.

The assaulting side couldn't seize victory, and with each explosion, the number of soldiers dwindled, the screams increased, while the defending side, with their heavy firepower, successfully delayed the assault!

"Sukabul! Sixth and seventh squads."

"Flank from the side!"

Major Poli became increasingly anxious. If the defending forces didn't retreat by the time reinforcements arrived, they would be doomed!


Just as the two squads began to flank, and gunfire erupted from the distant walls, two kilometers away, a semi-motorized force, including pickup trucks, off-road vehicles, and trucks, was rapidly approaching. They even had heavy machine guns and small-caliber cannons mounted!

"Damn it! What's going on? Why has the fighting already started?"

"Whose forces are attacking?"

Of course, this incoming force wasn't here to provide support; they were here to ambush!

However, this force was indeed the regular army of Tanzania, belonging to General Bardock, whose waist was as tall as his height. But last year, several leaders of this force had been won over by the retired spy Colonel Davies!

Colonel Davies's application to retire as a spy had been approved by the Pentagon, and to ensure success, they mobilized this force, which had been secretly turned for years!

In the carriage, the commander of this force, Marco, cursed, while the black spy named Cai frowned and said:

"Regardless, the mission must be completed, but this is also a good opportunity."

"Maybe our identities won't even be compromised!"

Upon hearing this, the commander Marco's face lit up with surprise. After all, he was now a junior officer in the regular army, living a very comfortable life. According to the original plan, if they were exposed, they would immediately turn into guerrilla fighters, and life would be tough!

"Right, as long as we take out both sides."

"Then our secret won't be discovered by anyone!"

Instantly, Commander Marco also understood the intricacies of the situation and said with a gleam in his eyes!

And the black man beside him nodded. Soon, the convoy had arrived at the edge of the battlefield, and the two men furrowed their brows. It was evident that the situation on the battlefield was not optimistic; the attacking side not only failed to gain any ground but was also being depleted continuously!

"Open fire! Otherwise, the attacking side will start to retreat soon!"

"By then, we won't have a chance to clear our names!"

"Use the artillery directly, and make sure there are no survivors!"


With Commander Marco's command, they also joined the fray!


By the time the General of the Ministry of Defense learned the news.

It was five minutes after the first gunshot.

After all, the arms factory was not yet fully operational, and it was quite far from the capital. There were no phones or radios, and they couldn't effectively send out distress messages. It was only after the sound of explosions was heard that the situation was discovered by the troops around the capital and reported.

In the General's mansion, upon hearing the report from the staff.

The General, who was already in his sixties, showed no surprise on his face; instead, there was a calmness as if everything had been settled. He waved his hand expressionlessly and said:

"Dispatch troops for rescue. Also, order Kellyn to suppress all forces around the capital except our direct units!"

"At the same time, have people monitor the residences of Locaha and Bardock. If they dare to make any move, take them down directly!"

Upon hearing the General's words, the staff hesitated for a moment and then asked:

"What if they resist with armed force?"

Instantly, a cold smile appeared on the General's aged face as he said:

"Resistance is treason!"

"Shoot them all!"

The staff nodded and then quickly left the room.

As the staff left, the General had no more thoughts of rest. He sat at the table, sighed lightly,

Meanwhile, inside the arms factory.

Amidst the smell of gunpowder and blood in the air, feeling the intense pain in his arm, General Kwek sighed deeply. He never imagined that things would end up like this, directly forcing two powerful generals to rebel!

Although the General ordered him to rest and recover from his injuries, Kwek was not in the mood for it. He knew he had to get to work quickly.

The most urgent task was to contact Wang Ye and continue purchasing gas cylinders!

Just then, accompanied by billowing smoke, a convoy drove in. A burly officer jumped out and said:

"General Kwek, your appointment letter has arrived!"

"And there's a telegram from China!"

In an instant, Kwek's once dull eyes sparkled with renewed vigor!