Chapter 65 Swaggering About

After the laughter of the crowd subsided, Wang Ye asked, "By the way, Director Li, apart from the matter of the order, did Kibwete say anything else?"

Upon hearing Wang Ye's question, Director Li hurriedly handed over a telegram, saying, "Here is the original text, you can read it yourself!"

Taking the telegram, Wang Ye carefully read it for a moment. Then, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Kibwete's mention of independent industry certainly referred not to ordinary industrial capabilities, but to military industry!

This point was consistent with the strategy he had been given before—to gain more political leverage through independent military industry!

Obviously, Kibwete had already achieved his first-stage goal through the gas tank. Now, independent military industry had become the foundation for his political survival. To strengthen this foundation, he had put forward a second request.

Just as Wang Ye was reading the telegram, Director Li inquired, "Are you going to reply? If so, just tell me what you need."

"We at the Industrial Bureau will handle sending it for you, directly through the Yanjing Telegraph Department for faster delivery!"

Hearing Director Li's words, Wang Ye guessed what was happening. He turned his head to look at Director Li's secretary nearby, who had already prepared a notebook. Wang Ye cleared his throat before saying, "Kibwete, my good friend!"

With these words, Director Li felt his eye twitching slightly, but Wang Ye, oblivious, continued, "I've received your telegram. First of all, congratulations on reaching your goal."

"Although I'm not yet sure what exactly has happened, I believe with your wisdom, you can handle any problem."

"As for your two requests, the first one, of course, is not a problem. However, we still need half of the payment upfront."

"As for the second issue, since we are friends, mutual assistance is natural. I won't charge any fees, and I can still be your advisor for ten minutes."

"As far as I know, Tanzania's level of industrialization is not very high. It's difficult to achieve autonomy in one step, even nearly impossible."

"So, I have two suggestions for you."

"Firstly, I believe we can cooperate. I can provide more raw materials of various types and quantities for you to process into different products. Then, you can sell them to surrounding countries and regions in Africa. I think you know better than I do how large the market is in that area."

"Large-scale production and sales can train workers, increase the number of skilled workers, generate substantial profits, and enhance your regional influence, laying the foundation for your industrial development."

"Secondly, as a predominantly agricultural country, Tanzania can start with small-scale industries after the country stabilizes and has a certain number of workers. Industrialization reforms in areas such as small-scale metallurgical technology and small-scale agricultural machinery manufacturing can strengthen livelihoods and improve the economy, alleviating the pain of war. If you're willing, I can provide relevant equipment in the future at reasonable prices."

"Of course, national defense construction remains essential throughout this process. Similarly, I can gradually provide you with various equipment to enable you to independently produce various 'industrial products'."

"Even I can provide you with a comprehensive plan and equipment for basic small-scale industrial development. You have studied in Huaxia, so you should understand what a comprehensive plan means. Of course, all of this is based on the premise that you have completely stabilized and have enough energy to develop industry."

"In short, in the words of Huaxia, this is called mutually beneficial cooperation."

"Of course, this is just a suggestion and will not affect our future cooperation. Additionally, your friend Wang Ye recommends a newly developed product to you. Compared to the old products, it has longer range, stronger power, and faster speed. Are you interested?"

"The unit price of the new product is one thousand US dollars. You can purchase a thousand units for trial, and if satisfied, you can place additional orders or sell them to other countries and regions. But I must say, you will definitely be satisfied."

"Your sincere friend, Wang Ye."

As Wang Ye spoke, Director Li furrowed his brows, pondering. Finally, when Wang Ye finished, Director Li curiously asked, "Wang Ye, is the new product you mentioned the one you talked about on the phone yesterday?"

To this, Wang Ye grinned and said, "Of course, haven't you seen it yet? Come on, I'll show you our new product!"

Then, Wang Ye led the bewildered Director Li to the display room of the machinery factory. When the room lit up, Director Li saw something on a shelf not far away—thick steel pipes over two meters long, with fins at the bottom—and he was dumbfounded!

"I say, Wang Ye, do you call this an agricultural product? Did you really test this thing the other day and attract Commander Song here?"

Wang Ye nodded and shrugged, saying, "Exactly! This is indeed an agricultural product—agricultural artificial rain bombs!"

"In the future, we plan to sell them to the Meteorological Department!"

"What do you think?"

Just as Wang Ye finished speaking, he heard the sound of someone swallowing hard, but this time it wasn't the old factory director—it was Director Li. He stared in astonishment at the steel pipe rocket on the shelf, then stiffly said, "Maybe it could work..."

That night, Director Li stayed overnight at the machinery factory.

The next morning, at four o'clock, Wang Ye, a group of young men from the machinery factory, and the twenty girls were already prepared. After a simple breakfast, they set off for Yuntai City, accompanied by Director Li.

Upon reaching the city, they parted ways. Director Li went straight to the Industrial Bureau.

At seven thirty.

Just as the jeep arrived near the department store, they saw a flamboyantly decorated big truck coming toward them. There was a red banner above the carriage, reading: "Feeling hot? Buy an electric fan!" On the back, it said: "Feeling tired? Why not use a washing machine!"

On the left and right sides, there were large red papers with bold black writing, reading: "Produced by Laiyang Red Star Factory, military quality, price discount!"

Even the front and back of the truck were pasted with square papers, saying, "Red Star Brand Electric Fans and Washing Machines, on sale today at Red Flag Department Store!"

Accompanied by the rumbling engine, there was a large horn on the truck continuously playing a crisp and sweet female voice, saying, "Locally produced electric fans and washing machines, with guaranteed after-sales service, great quality and affordable prices, making life cooler, a good helper for women. Both items do not require industrial coupons. Welcome to Red Flag Department Store for purchase!"

The piercing sound echoed on the street, amidst the astonished expressions of onlookers. The big truck swaggered down the street.

A moment later.

At the gate of the Yuntai City Committee's family courtyard, Zhang Jianming, the top leader of Yuntai City, had just finished breakfast and was about to leave for work.

He hadn't expected that as soon as he stepped out of the neighborhood, he would hear an unfamiliar sound coming from the nearby street. He paused, unable to resist stopping to listen carefully for a moment.

"Locally produced electric fans and washing machines, with guaranteed after-sales service..."

The sound was very loud, and he estimated that it could be heard clearly from three blocks away.

After hearing the specific content, Zhang Shuji was quite surprised. After a brief moment of astonishment, he suddenly realized that this was an advertisement for electric fans and washing machines!

"Locally produced electric fans and washing machines?"

Instantly, Zhang Shuji was certain—it must be from the Red Star Machinery Factory in Laiyang, because in the entire Laiyang city, they were the only ones currently producing household appliances!

"Huh! Could this be an idea from that young factory director?"

"It does seem quite innovative! Truly, there are no ordinary people under a famous name. Those sent by the Ministry of Machinery are indeed remarkable!"

"Spreading the word, not bad at all!"

For Zhang Shuji, although he hadn't directly dealt with advertisements, he had heard of them. After all, the first television advertisement in Huaxia appeared in Shanghai in 1979, and the concept was already widespread in the open cities of the south.

After all, it had been several years since the opening up policy, and as a city-level leader, he had some understanding of these new things.

Afterward, Zhang Shuji strode to the nearby city committee building. After sitting down in his office, he directly dialed the phone number of the Industrial Bureau's Development Office.

"Hello? This is Li Gang."

At the other end of the phone, Li, who had just arrived at the office, answered the call, hearing the laughter of a superior:

"Ah, Li Gang! Our little factory director Wang is indeed a capable official!"

"This advertisement is good! It's truly innovative!"

Upon hearing the voice of his superior, Li, who was sitting there, was puzzled. He knew who the little factory director Wang Ye was, but what advertisement was he talking about?

Just then, suddenly, there came a burst of piercing music from outside the window. Li, holding the phone, stood up and looked out the window. Instantly, he realized what was happening, and he was stunned!