Chapter 67: Sold Out!

Faced with everyone's request, Wang Ye was momentarily stunned.

Honestly, Wang Ye hadn't expected such a high demand for electric fans and washing machines in this era. Moreover, there were quite a few wealthy people willing to purchase them. But upon further thought, he understood. Products from the factory didn't require tickets, and with effective advertising, it instantly tapped into the long-accumulated market demand!

And what they proposed now was essentially a form of pre-sale, where the manufacturer collected the money upfront. As for how this money would be used, that remained uncertain. If they absconded midway without delivering the goods, refunds wouldn't be possible, leading to accusations of illegal fundraising.

A few seconds later, under the expectant gazes of the crowd, Wang Ye shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, but we can't do this."

In truth, for the current manufacturing plant, pre-sales did offer some benefits. After all, unlike scam artists in later years, manufacturing plants were legitimate businesses that would inevitably produce goods. However, Wang Ye refused in the end because the drawbacks were fatal!

Firstly, the Red Star brand electric fans and washing machines had just gained a bit of reputation. Rashly doing this might affect their reputation. Secondly, Wang Ye couldn't strictly control the advancement of this pre-sale system. If they issued receipts, what if someone forged them? In the haste, Wang Ye couldn't implement very strict anti-counterfeiting measures. What if the receipts were lost and picked up by someone else? Recognize the receipts or recognize the person?

After hearing Wang Ye's refusal, a clamor erupted once again. It was evident that the people of this era were trusting, especially with the endorsement of Red Star Machinery Factory. So, they weren't worried about being scammed or not receiving goods after paying.

Facing the crowd's voices, Wang Ye once again bowed and explained, "I'm really sorry. Our production capacity is limited at the moment. If we rashly take everyone's advance payment and still can't meet demand next week, what can we do? If you're unhappy, we're also sad. So, please come a bit earlier next time to queue up!"

Finally, Wang Ye explained earnestly to everyone. After hearing Wang Ye's explanation, those willing to pay in advance had no choice but to leave.

Once everyone left, Li Baojun, excitedly lowering his voice, said to Wang Ye, "Brother Ye! We're rich! 610 electric fans and 290 washing machines, all sold out! Total revenue is 275,200 yuan! The money's all here!"

He patted the money box in his arms and opened it to show Wang Ye, but Wang Ye just glanced at it expressionlessly and said, "Pay attention! This is the property of our entire factory. If it gets lost, I'll hold you accountable!"

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Li Baojun immediately locked the box and handed the key to Wang Ye, swearing solemnly, "Brother Ye, rest assured, I'll guard it with my life!"

He looked around, then nodded assuredly, and the other young men nodded too, surrounding the box as if they were ready to confront the world. At the same time, Li Baojun noticed that Wang Ye seemed unhappy for some reason and couldn't help but ask curiously, "Brother Ye, we've earned so much money. Why do you look unhappy?"

Wang Ye sighed and smiled bitterly. "Certainly, they're mocking me."

"From yesterday, I've guided everyone to do so much, changed the booth structure, and trained everyone on how to sell. But in the end, it seems to have been of no use. I'm just like a clown!"

"Sunflower seeds? Candies? No one even wants them! It's a struggle just standing here. Do they expect me to sit down?"

"So, it's normal for them to mock me."

Hearing Wang Ye's words, everyone suddenly realized, and Li Baojun and the others fell silent. It seemed that Wang Ye was unhappy not because he was being mocked but because he felt that the plan had flaws. The development had deviated from expectations, and that was the root cause of Wang Ye's unhappiness.

It indicated that the plan he had formulated was flawed. Though the final outcome was good and didn't cause any harm, would it be the same next time? A flawed plan could lead to disastrous results step by step!

And that was the fundamental reason for Wang Ye's unhappiness!

At the same time, Wang Ye felt that he couldn't rely solely on his own ideas in business matters. It was important to cultivate a few qualified deputies and to some extent consider their opinions.

Just then, Liu Manting, standing there, suddenly smiled and looked at Wang Ye, saying, "Brother Ye, I think you're worrying too much!"

"Whether it's the booth, our training, or the external promotion, it's definitely effective, not useless!"

"Take the external promotion, for example. If it weren't for their shouting all over the streets, why would so many people come so early in the morning?"

"And it's impossible for every time to be as crowded as today. By then, the training content will truly come into play!"

"Isn't that right, everyone?"

After Liu Manting said this, there was a chorus of agreement, especially from the girls. They all wanted to show that they were valuable, fearing that Wang Ye wouldn't give them their commissions!

For Wang Ye, who initially only saw Liu Manting as pretty, her words now made him smile and wave his hand, saying, "Manting is right, I was overthinking."

"Let's pack up and go home!"

A small cheer erupted, and everyone happily went about their tasks. For these girls, even selling a dozen units meant significant commissions!

And today's sales champion was Xu Jiaojiao, the youngest of them all, who sold fifty-one units! This meant she would receive 51 yuan and 50 cents, including today's working minimum guarantee. And this money could cover her mother's normal income for at least two months!