Reflections on Listing - Glimpses of Light through the Hole_3

"Tess of the d'Urbervilles";

"The Sun, Moon and Stars Murder Case";

"The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science";

"A History of International Relations, Volume III."

2, Have finished reading:

"Morphology of the Folktale";

"The Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande";

"The Myth of the Origin of Fire";

"Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844";

"The Origin of Ancient Chinese Thought Patterns and Yin-Yang Wuxing Theory";

Toffler "The Transfer of Power";

"A guide to Western Mysticism";

"The Secrets of Alchemy";

"The Avesta: Zoroastrian Sacred Scripture";

"The Shepherd's Bible";

"Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man";

"A Study of Narrative Theory in English and American Novels";

"Detective AI";

"The Thirteenth Step";

"Headless - The Haunting Presence";

"The Longest Day in Chang'an";

"When Mysticism Knocks at Your Door";

"The Homeric Epics: The Odyssey";

"The Moon and Sixpence";

"Strangers' Music";

"The Hammer of Glass";