Chapter 5: Qualification Certificate

"No, I don't want to die! No!" The coach couldn't control his body and watched in horror as his head got caught in the machinery of a fitness equipment.


The scene was gruesome. The coach's body went limp instantly, lifeless, and bodily fluids began to spread across the gym floor, horrifying everyone.

Other people screamed in panic. They had witnessed a death firsthand, a cruel and shocking sight.


The broadcast roared, its trailing voice silencing everyone in the gym.

Ye Sha felt heavy-hearted. He had shared meals with the deceased coach a few times and had a decent relationship with him. Yet, he couldn't save him because he couldn't locate the supernatural source behind it all.

"Wang Ming, now do a set of standard push-ups!"

The broadcast resumed calling names, and a customer, clearly reluctant, walked out and began doing push-ups.

"Not standard! Do it again!"

"Still not standard! Do it again!"


Wang Ming was a fitness newbie and had never been properly instructed. Ye Sha's reminders were like a lifeline. Wang Ming adjusted his posture and barely passed the test.

"Fairly done," the eerie broadcast commented with disdain. Then, it suddenly shouted angrily, "Why are people still reminding the coach when I'm here?"

Ye Sha realized he was the target now.

Liu Yuning looked worriedly at Ye Sha and grabbed his hand. Was she trying to protect him from the supernatural control?

Feeling Liu Yuning's gentle grip, Ye Sha was moved. What courage this must've taken for her!

"So, the punishment I give is... Hmm?"

The eerie broadcast was about to issue a dreadful command but sounded confused instead.

Finally, Ye Sha realized it. He was immune to the supernatural influence!

"Consider this a one-time exception. I forgive you, coach!"

Sure enough, the broadcast gave up its punishment but maintained its tough tone.

Others looked at Ye Sha with mixed feelings. The abnormal behavior of the supernatural being was obviously because of him.

Liu Yuning felt relieved but found her hand firmly held by Ye Sha. This warmth calmed her down.

The eerie broadcast continued to call out names for fitness exercises. Ye Sha noticed a pattern.

Despite its disguise as a fitness coach, the tasks it assigned were basic, beginner-level exercises without any specialization. So, with Ye Sha's brief guidance, everyone managed to complete their exercises.

Ignoring Ye Sha's interference, the broadcast's voice became increasingly shaky and impatient. It was losing its composure!

Under Ye Sha's influence, it hadn't managed to kill anyone. The only casualties were its own doing.

"That's enough! I am the coach! Shut up!"

The frustrated broadcast yelled, scaring everyone into covering their ears.

"Do you have a fitness trainer certification?" Ye Sha suddenly asked, questioning the supernatural being about its credentials, which was quite absurd.

The eerie broadcast fell silent, clearly admitting to not having any credentials.

"But I do!" Ye Sha pointed to the certification shelf in the gym, displaying the qualifications of the coaching team, indicating the credibility of the gym. "Without proper certification, you're misleading the exercisers. You have no right to instruct others."

"Shut up!!!!!!!!"

The eerie broadcast, apparently touched on a sore point, began screaming frantically. Everyone was deafened by the terrifying shrieks, with some fainting due to their weak constitutions.

"A fitness trainer should demonstrate their physique to students and guide them with standard teaching movements. You dare not show yourself! What right do you have to be a coach?" Ye Sha shouted angrily. He intended to provoke the entity, pushing it into a frenzy and hopefully forcing it to reveal itself.

This was a risky approach, as the enraged entity might harm everyone present!

But it was a desperate move. Humans couldn't decipher the supernatural; it could encourage you to exercise one moment and doom you the next! Humans could never satisfy its obsession! Taking a gamble was their only chance!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The eerie broadcast went even more berserk, screaming non-stop. The gym's mirrors and glass shattered from the sound waves, and even the tempered glass door was blown open!

"Run! Everyone, run out!"

Ye Sha shouted loudly, pulling Liu Yuning along as they dashed out. He also pushed a few people, alerting those crouching and covering their ears!

Seeing the open door, both the coaches and the customers rushed out. Fortunately, the gym was spacious enough to avoid a stampede.

Ye Sha noticed the receptionist, Xiao Liu, stumbling among the crowd. He rushed over, grabbed her, and took both women downstairs!

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

The frenzied broadcast continued its madness, paying no attention to the fleeing customers, repeatedly chanting Ye Sha's name.

"Kill! Ye Sha... Kill! Ye Sha... Kill! Ye Sha..."