Painful Memories

The rain started pouring, and Maisie embraced it, looking at it through the window of the cottage.


But she wasn't satisfied just watching it; she wanted to feel it hitting her skin.



Without a second thought, she hopped out of the cottage, starting Zachary.


"Hey, what are you doing, Miss Duval? – I mean Maisie. You'll catch a cold!" He screamed after her.



Maisie was too excited and hopped into the rain, twirling around while the droplets of rain washed her face.



Zachary just stood there watching her, afraid she would catch a cold. He closes his eyes, frowning deeply as he runs his fingers through his hair.



A smile crept onto his face as he watched her, gloating with happiness.



Zachary let her stay in the rain for ten minutes before he dashed out to take her back to the cottage.