
Chapter 2 - The Eccentric Sister

The foul fumes that emanated from the surface of the earth posed a grave threat to all those who happened to inhale them. This malevolent gas seemed to thrive on devouring all that was pure and innocent. The ashes that rained down from the sky covered the once beautiful, verdant landscape and transformed it into a desolate, bleak, and lifeless wasteland. The once-vibrant scenery, filled with abundant flora and fauna, was now an eerie, dark, and desolate terrain that stood as a haunting reminder of what once was. But what happened to this beautiful place?

What sort of evilness ruined this once beautiful place? That inquiry lingered in Commander Markus' mind as he stood motionless, watching the desolation around him.

"No longer the place I used to know," Commander Markus commented, and while his voice sounded without emotion, his eyes told another story. Memories of his childhood flowed through his mind. Beautiful scenes that he cherished until this day, a remembrance of the man he used to be. Now, the place where all those memories came from was tarnished forever, leaving him with a sense of sorrow and grief.

"Commander Markus, [Divine Protection] is running out soon," a young squire, a petite young boy with short, dirty blond hair and deep, pure blue eyes, spoke, stuttering some of the words. He looked nervous, a bit out of his comfort zone. But that was to be expected from a young soldier like him. The entire scene was genuinely ghastly to look at. The destruction of a once-beautiful place left him hollow inside.

Commander Markus still needed to reply to his squire. He kept staring at the area before him before deciding to take this moment to teach his squire something useful. "Squire, do you know what sort of fire will curse a land in such a manner?" He asked as he gazed at the short squire, who gulped deeply.

"Y-yeah, sir. Eh, it's a demonic blaze...spell?" The squire stuttered nervously.

Commander Markus simply raised an eyebrow, watching the poor boy fidget under his gaze. "No. That is just a fancy name wizards use when casting magical fire. The type of fire I am talking about is more dangerous than that. It has a life of its own and corrupts everything it touches. Tarnished it forever. Do you understand what I am referring to?"

The squire nodded frantically, gulping intensely. "Y-yes, sir!"

The commander then bent down and scooped up a handful of dirt, and the moment he did, it revealed that the fire was still burning beneath the surface. But the sound the fire made, almost hissing at him like a wild animal as [Divine Protection] did his job protecting him, proved what sort of flames he was talking to.

"This squire is why we are using [Divine Protection] because this is hellfire, a type of magical fire only a powerful demon can cast. Like the Demon King and his minions, the Demon Lords. The same fire that destroyed an entire nation 900 years ago and left dark, tainted soil behind for all time."

"Hellfront..." the squire muttered as Commander Markus nodded.

"Exactly. You've never been at Hellfront. But this is a good view of what to expect there. A complete desolation, where the ruins of an ancient nation are left to decay, and an endless war between us and them that continues until this day."

Commander Markus then hissed, dropping the burning soil. "A conflict that has lasted hundreds of years has never been so close to home since the days of the First Holy War."

"Does this mean a demon lord is here to attack us?" The squire asked nervously, and fear crept into him. However, Commander Markus couldn't see the Demon King launching a full-scale invasion of Equidaeria in such a manner. It was not the sort of move the Demon King would make.

Although it was difficult for him to acknowledge, the current Demon King was not a mere fighter but a schemer. A being that possessed the skill to patiently wait for a century to execute a single strategic move. It was one of the reasons he became the current monarch of the demonic race after the previous monarch failed to live up to the expectations of the rest of the demons thirty years ago.

However, despite this, Commander Markus was filled with an ominous feeling that something was brewing beneath the surface.

A shadow that he couldn't see.

"No, I doubt it," Commander Markus replied. "Four months ago, there was a significant battle on the Hellfront. The biggest skirmish in decades. But it was clear that he was testing the borders again. Why? I don't know, nor do I care. He won't succeed. I will not let him."

Commander Markus then glanced at the squire, looking at the young soldier intensely. "You understand why I brought you here? Do you understand, Mikael?"

"I don't..."

"Because you're my son," Commander Markus said, interrupting Mikael, who stared anxiously at his father. "Like your mother, you have a unique talent for divine magic. Few people in this world have such a skill. If the Gods had been kind to us, your mother would've been here to teach you how to be the greatest cleric Equidaeria has ever seen. But alas, she is dead."

Mikael flinched at the cold statement from his father. He has never been the same since Mikael's mother was killed. Neither of them has been the same since then. They grew accustomed to the pain, like an unhealed wound in their hearts.

But Mikael inherited his mother's kind heart and the same gentle soul, and he hoped that his father's suffering would not change him too much.

"You'll learn; it will take time, but you will," Mikael's father said before taking a deep breath and noticing the golden sphere around them slowly fading away. "We are going to Riverfork. It's the closest town to here. If there is a demon hiding, it should be there."

Mikael's expression transformed from one of anxiety to a concealed sense of delight. "Riverfork..."

Commander Markus' expression softened, if just for a brief moment. "It could be a good moment to visit... family."

Mikael nodded and followed his father, not knowing what fate had prepared for him.

The charming town of Riverfork may not boast the opulent amenities readily available in bustling metropolises like the capital city of the Aplacia Kingdom, New Altes. However, the contented residents of the small town took pride in their simple way of life and found joy in the modest offerings of their beloved village. They were a group of hardworking people living off the land and trading. Relatively unbothered by the chaos of the world or whatever evil lurked in the shadows.

However, unbeknown to the residents of Riverfork, a great evil walked among them, hiding beneath a dark cloak, concealing all the evil intent of her true nature.

"What a beautiful town," Avnas whispered, slowly making her way to the streets of a busy market, watching with great interest all that they sold. So far, she was watching things she recognised. Apples, lettuce, potatoes, pork, and many other trivial things she knew from her old world.

"Nothing looks out of the ordinary," Avnas murmured softly, watching each vendor. They all looked very human, frail, and weak. That level of weakness and fragility disgusted her more than anything. But as soon as that thought came to her, it made her stop and think about herself.

What am I thinking? Avnas couldn't help but wonder if being a demon would gradually impact her personality. It may have already happened without her realising it. However, Avnas doesn't want to delve into that idea too deeply.

"Fresh fish! Come and get your fresh fish! Recently caught!"

Avnas turned her head towards the voice, her gaze honing in on the vendor's face. As soon as her eyes realised what she was seeing in front of her, a wide smile stretched across her face, completely transforming her once cold and stoic expression into one of pure delight and excitement.

I can't believe it! A cat person! An authentic cat person is standing right in front of me!

Avnas thought in delight as she gazed upon the scene before her. She couldn't help but feel a sense of internal joy at the sight of the most adorable race she had ever seen. As a player of culture, there were certain races that she secretly held a fondness for, and the cat people were undoubtedly among them. In Antherion, these feline beings were classified under the Semi-Races category, which encompassed all races that shared any animalistic features or traits. However, the Feline Race, as it was called in Antherion, held the most popularity among the players due to its undeniable charm and cuteness.

"I want to touch your ears," Avnas mumbled, perhaps a bit loudly, as the poor cat girl looked at her quite aghast and dismayed.

"I would like you to rather not...?" The cat girl replied nervously as Avnas coughed awkwardly, realising her usual habit of speaking to herself out loud could be quite a hindrance and embarrassment to everyone, especially herself.

"I apologise," Avnas replied quickly, excellently keeping her mortification behind a stoic and cold expression. "I spoke out loud. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just thinking that you're adorable."

The cat girl replied with a blushing giggle, not knowing why she felt so flustered. "No need to apologise! Actually, if my husband were here, he might have gotten a little jealous. But it's all good!!" The cat girl replied jokingly.

Avnas smiled back at the cat girl, showcasing a tender gesture on her face. One that could be seen, even underneath her cloak. The cat girl was hypnotised by Avnas's aura. Her golden eyes made her feel relaxed and comfortable. That smile was simply delightful to witness. But why was that? Why the sudden pull? Maybe not even Avnas knew just how different this world was from Antherion and how different her passive skills worked here.

Avnas only experience with wildlife in that world was that they all fled from her. They trembled at the sight of her. Those who were trapped had all perished before her. Avnas' sheer demonic energy was too much for them to endure. She thought it could be because of her [Demonic Aura] or some of her passive skills. It was hard to say. Yet, she won't deny how hurt she was to see a poor little doe die because of how scared it was of her.

So, Avnas took precautions to hide her true self behind the [Grand Concelmeant Ring] and [Mythical Confidential Cloak] amid some skills to ensure no one could detect her without her knowing their intentions. She wasn't in a game anymore. Avnas couldn't let her guard down. Who knows what could be out there? Who knows if there was someone from Antherion? There were many possibilities and so many dangers. Avnas has to be careful.

Yet, Avnas wasn't aware of that, besides skills and traits. There was one thing she needed to remember. The lore of her character was a small bonus players could put in once they reached level 180. One could put anything they wanted. It wasn't really a game-changing feature or did anything that players would pay attention to in Antherion; it was just something for those who enjoyed roleplay, like Avnas.

Unbeknown to Avnas, the lore she wrote there and all the details would be essential to how this world sees her, for good or bad.

Regardless, Avnas took this opportunity to get much-needed information about her current location.

"So, do you want some fresh fish?!" The cat girl asked jovially as Avnas stopped daydreaming.

"Oh, eh, miss...?"

"Call me Miri!" The cat girl replied with joy.

"Thank you, Miri. Could you help me with something...?"

"Oh?" Miri tilted her head, a bit confused. "Of course! How can I help you?"

Avnas realised how strange and suspicious it would sound if she suddenly asked where she was. In looking for information, one gives himself away. Then, it was better to remain clueless. At least, that was what she thought. Still, she considered carefully how to ask for information without exposing herself.

"Could you tell me where I could find a map? Or perhaps books?" Avnas asked slowly as Miri hummed deeply.

"Uh, well, we don't have a library here. And map? You can find one of the surrounding regions in the town's watch. But that's all we have here."

Avnas nodded, slowly taking in the small piece of information. "How long will it take me to reach the capital?"

"It depends, really. Riverfork is the closest town to New Altes, perhaps a day on foot or half a day if you have a ride. Or if you have a teleporting scroll designated to New Altes, it will be in a few seconds!" Miri then began to chuckle loudly. "But those things are incredibly expensive! Like, truly beyond what anyone could pay for!"

Magic exists in this world, then. As Avnas contemplated the statement, she realised it was not surprising, given that she was conversing with a person who had cat-like features. Such a scenario would be unlikely in an ordinary world, like her being in her avatar form. However, since she had learned that magic was prevalent in this world, she wondered how it differed from Antherion.

Avnas needed to find out.

"Could you tell me more about magic?" Avnas asked carefully before Miri began to scratch her ear.

God, I want to ruffle those ears! Avnas squealed inside her mind, but she remained calm outside.

"I don't know much about magic, truly," Miri replied while not paying attention to Avnas's intense stare at her ears and tail. "You can speak of it to the town healer. She can use Tier Six magic! And was born with a talent that's super rare!"

"Talent?" Avnas whispered slowly. Thankfully, this time, Miri did not hear her. "I see. I would very much like to meet this person. Could you tell me where she is?"

"Simply go straight down this street and turn left at the end. You will find the temple where Sister Helena resides."

"Thank you so much."

Avnas smiled before walking away, focusing on getting more information about the world she was living in and also trying to keep her hands away from Miri's adorable cat ears.

It didn't take long before Avnas reached her destination, and quickly, she was met with a temple. It was an old building, from what Avnas could see. Incredibly ancient, yet it still served its original purpose as a centre of healing and hope.

Avnas frowned upon seeing an inexplicable golden sphere enveloping the temple. Then she realised what it was.

"[Celestial Protection] Perhaps? Or something similar?" Avnas hummed slowly, not knowing if the people of this world could use the same spells as Antherion. Still, Avnas knew what the spell did and what its intent was. "Keeping the impure out. Demons, undead, or anything evil. Interesting."

Avnas looked at her rings and the rest of her skills. "Let's taste the defences of it."

Carefully, she trespassed the temple, step by step, and smiled since she wasn't taking damage from it.

Strangely, this is not [Celestial Protection] of a high grade. I don't feel anything.

Avnas was baffled by the fact that she was receiving zero damage from the protection covering the temple. She knew it was a sort of divine or holy magic. Otherwise, she wouldn't have detected it as such.

"Weak, very weak..."

Antherion's level system took a lot of work to follow. Avnas would admit as much. Nineteen levels dictated the power of a spell or ability, or Grade, as it was called. Grade I was the weakest, and Grade 19 was the strongest. For example, when a player levels up, they receive a certain amount of points, which they would use in order to choose the ability they wish to learn. Then, that ability would be as strong as the Grade it was cast from.

For instance, using [Arcane Bolt] Grade III vastly differs from using [Arcane Bolt] Grade XVI. Both had different variations since one was stronger than the other.

The spells and abilities changed depending on the Grade and also once a player reached max level, level 180. They could continue farming for more points and learning more skills, or they could create their own version of one existing spell in their skillset. They could play around with combos and strategies. They could learn how to save their Stamina, Cooldowns, and MP by using different Grades of a spell during a fight. That's when a player's experience truly shined during PvP.

And since Antherion rewarded creativity above all else.

Players of max level could explore and create their version of their favourite spell, modifying it at their will, even combining a spell of the main class with the sub-class to create a unique ability that no one else had. That's why being level 180 on Antherion made one almost unbeatable by someone of lower rank. The number of possibilities a maxed-out player had was unbelievable. Only another level 180 could face a 180. That was the reality of the game.

So, when Avnas entered the temple, she fully expected, at least, that the spell would've been around Grade 12 or 13. That would do some damage to her. But she felt nothing, meaning that the magic used to protect the temple was lower than that.

"Maybe I shouldn't expect so much from a small temple in the middle of nowhere?" Avnas whispered, letting her mind roam freely inside her head. Before, a voice stopped her from strolling around the temple.

"Hey! Clean your shoes before entering my home!"

Avnas looked like a deer in a headlight as she froze in place. Before Avnas stood a formidable figure donning a striking ensemble of red and white armour, complete with a prominent cross emblazoned upon her chest. Yet, somehow, that armour was fused with the regality of a nun's habit—a bizarre combination of a nun and a knight—creating a curious juxtaposition of strength and humility. But Avnas couldn't see humility in the face of that woman since the temple sister stood fiercely before her. The sister was tall; her body was perfectly fit, and her face, being the only visible part of her body, showed a nasty scar. Two lines went from her forehead all the way to her left cheek. And the fact that she had a patch proved that her eye was no longer there. She had clearly endured a significant injury.

That's not a sister! Sisters are supposed to be gentle and pure! This woman is smoking a cigar! And she is wearing an armour! Avnas gulped, feeling a bit shocked by the person before her.

"S-sorry!" Avnas replied quickly as the sister, or nun, whatever she was, approached her.

"You, who are you? You're not from Riverfork. I can see it with my own eye," the nun said as her blue eyes inspected Avnas from head to toe as she held her cigar in one hand.

"I, well-"

"Hood, take it off. Let me see your face. Look at me, and tell me your name quickly."

Avnas was again simply stunned by the fierce, commanding voice of the woman. But she obeyed. She wanted to avoid any conflict for now. Also, she was there to learn about magic. Arguing back won't give her the information she seeks.

Although, she could feel a sudden urge of irritation at being talked about like that. But Avnas thought it was her demon side talking, so she squashed that feeling for now.

"Of course, we don't wish to expose the pure heart in the temple of the gods! For they know our sins and souls and will give us the reckoning we deserve."

"I don't even know what that means!" Avnas replied, baffled by the supposed nun's behaviour.

"Neither do I! But it sounds good! And that's enough for me. It gets me paid!" Sister Helena laughed again as she started another cigarette.

Avnas was simply ready to walk off of the temple. She was done with that woman. But the nun stopped her by chuckling.

"Now, what can I do for you? Do you require healing? Help with intrusive thoughts? Did you steal anything? Did you cheat on your partner? Want a confession to free your soul?"

Sister Helena asked as Avnas scoffed at her.

"So now you're behaving like a proper sister?" Avnas muttered while Sister Helena shrugged it off.

"I never said I was a proper sister."

Alright, you got me there. Avnas grumbled in her thoughts.

"I came here to see if you could give me some information about magic."

Avnas spoke cautiously as Sister Helena tilted her head, exhaling cigar smoke through her nostrils.

"Magic? That's a strange prerogative for you to have," Sister Helena said, and Avnas could see now that the woman was not an idiot. The sister was glaring at her with that blue eye, watching her every move. Thinking, scheming, or maybe that was all in Avnas' head. "May I ask why?" The sister asked.

"I simply wish to learn more about magic, and I was told that you could cast Tier Six magic and that you had a talent."

The sister snorted. "Miri told you that, no doubt," Sister Helena then sighed. "Always sending people who want to learn more about Talents."

Oh, so this is not the first time someone asked her about magic? Yeah, I can use that. Avnas thought. "Can you tell me more about it?" She asked gently.

The sister glared at Avnas for a few intense seconds before returning to her cigar. "Tch! If you youngsters wish to learn more about magic, why don't you go to the Helmsworth Academy of Magic? Always trying to ask me questions only because I have a talent. Never wanting to chat with me."

Sister Helena grumbled to herself.

Avnas realised her luck. It seemed there was a history of Sister Helena dealing with people asking her more about magic, which could prove beneficial for Avnas—the perfect alibi to learn more without looking oddly suspicious.

"I apologise. It's strange to meet someone with a talent," Avnas chuckled nervously, trying to sound as if she was just curious about someone with talent and wanting to learn more.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Sister Helena replied, annoyed. "Alright, only because I think you're sexy. Follow me."

Avnas quietly grumbled to herself as she trailed behind the eccentric sister. However, during their journey towards Sister Helena's supposed office, Avnas stumbled upon an open room. Within the room was a bed with an individual resting on top of it—a girl with lengthy blue hair and bandages around half her face.

Whimpering in pain, sobbing.

"Wait a moment," Sister Helena said before entering the room. Avnas stood outside, just watching whatever the sister was going to do.

Sister Helena touched the girl's face and soon muttered [Healing Rest], and soon, a golden light emanated from her hands surrounding the poor girl's head. After that, the girl's sobbing vanished. It seemed that the girl could finally sleep without being in pain.

That doesn't sound like a spell I know of, which is interesting. Avnas thought as Sister Helena sighed before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"Here," Sister Helena said, leading Avnas to a nearby room. However, Avnas remained curious about the earlier events, and Sister Helena was aware of it.

"A young hero from the Hellfront," Sister Helena commented as Avnas frowned upon hearing the word Hellfront. "A stupid girl that shouldn't have listened to those idiots of the Hero Guild," Sister Helena muttered angrily.

The Hero Guild—what is that? Avnas wondered before following Sister Helena into her room. It was there that she saw many things she did not expect to see.

Sister Helena's room had photos, which made Avnas wonder if they had something like a camera in that world. Then Avnas saw a strange flying rock on Sister Helena's desk. It was blue and had a handle around it. It reminded her of a makeshift phone.

This is not right. It can't be. It resembles one, albeit weirdly, but it even has a handset and speaker. But how? Avnas was now utterly confused about this world.

That girl on the bed, she said it was a hero. Also, what's the Hellfront? How can they have photos and things like phones? This world becomes weirder by the minute! Avnas couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by everything. Still, Sister Helena's loud sigh made her focus on one thing at a time.

"A pity that girl is going to carry that scar forever," Sister Helena muttered slightly. "Wounds made out of hellfire never heal unless a tier 9 healing spell does the job. But few people in the world can reach that level. If ever."

Avnas nodded slowly, taking in that bit of information. "But you helped her to ease her pain?"

"Only slightly. This girl will need to learn how to cast it herself. Otherwise, she'll never be without pain."

Sister Helena leaned on her chair, and Avnas caught a glimpse of sorrow on her face. "Stupid girl, she should've stayed away from there. There is no glory in the Hellfront."

"You went there?" Avnas took this opportunity to ask, taking the gestures from Sister Helena's face and how she spoke about that location to know she had some knowledge that could interest her. "The Hellfront?"

Sister Helena glanced at her side, where a few photos were hanging. There was one in particular that caught Avnas' attention. Two girls, one clearly younger than the other, were holding hands and smiling.

"Yes, I spent seven years in the Arthiel Holy Kingdom's armies as a Battlesister. I gave them everything, including my best years!" Sister Helena laughed wholeheartedly. Yet, Avnas could detect a multitude of complex emotions underlying Sister Helena's seemingly lighthearted chuckle. In addition to palpable resentment, Avnas detected an unmistakable undercurrent of sorrow and pain, all suggesting a deeply troubled emotional state.

She is a veteran of a war.

It wasn't difficult for Avnas to recognise the signs. She had encountered many war veterans like this before. In fact, one of her colleagues had also fought in a war and exhibited similar unapologetic satire and empty laughter.

"It must have been hard," Avnas replied carefully, seeing a slight smile on Sister Helena's face.

"I spent nearly five years fighting in the Hellfront and never had the chance to return home until I almost died. I spent days in trenches, often covered in mud, enduring weeks without any sunlight. The moans of the undead and ghouls made it hard to sleep at night. After a few weeks, they were no longer scary but rather annoying. The food was also terrible, and it was impossible even to take a proper bathroom break! Those bastards wouldn't let me piss in peace!"

Sister Helena chuckled again, but Avnas wasn't so harsh in judging the sister this time. It was clear that she wouldn't understand the sort of coping mechanism a veteran would have. So, she simply remains silent.

"Sometimes, the waiting was worse than the skirmishes we had. You know what it is like to simply... wait? To be constantly on edge, to sit in the trenches, just looking at the wasteland ahead of you, knowing that you're being watched? The waiting and waiting for something to happen, for anything to happen, but then... only silence, for days, for weeks, for months? After a while, everything feels..."

Sister Helena abruptly stopped speaking, and Avnas was surprised by the sister's sudden change in expression. It was as if she wasn't even there with Avnas but somewhere else.

Sister Helena had that hundred-yard look on her face before life came back to her.

"Soulless, nothing. We were told to hold the line. We can't help them," Sister Helena finished, almost murmuring to someone else in that room who wasn't Avnas.

"Eh, are you alright?" Avnas spoke softly, and Sister Helena nodded. She pulled out another cigar, but her shaking hand made it difficult to smoke.

"Yeah, sorry for that," Sister Helena chuckled softly. "Lost in thought."

Avnas said nothing and just nodded slowly.

"Magic!" Sister Helena exclaimed then, surprising Avnas. "You wanted to speak about magic; alright, I can do that. I can... yes, of course."

Sister Helena then stood up. "Want something to eat? Drink? I have beer, ale, wine, water, and coffee."

Coffe? Do they have coffee here? Avnas was now utterly amused by whatever world she was in. "Coffee, thank you."

As Sister Helena carefully removed her veil and bandeau, Avnas couldn't help but notice her strikingly beautiful golden wavy hair, which was cut short but still managed to accentuate her youthful features. It was becoming evident that the sister was younger than Avnas initially thought, perhaps in her late thirties, but her serene countenance remained intact. The air around them lightened up as Sister Helena appeared more relaxed and at ease.


"Yes, thank you."

Soon enough, Sister Helena and Avnas began to talk. Yet, the demon in disguise could feel as if the sister just wanted to talk to someone, to spend time speaking about something simply. Was that sad and something she could take advantage of? Maybe.

Only time will tell.

Not too far from Riverfork, where Avnas' excitement had permanently tainted the land, three shadows flew above the ground.

"Do you smell that?" One of the shadows spoke. "That smells like Hellfront. Beautiful, beautiful Hellfront."

"I feel homesick~!" another one exclaimed, the smallest of the shadows.

"Enough, both of you. We are here to investigate what happened. Our Oriclium detected an incredible surge of magic, and no doubt the Holy Kingdom has already sent agents to investigate."

The tallest of the shadows spoke firmly, making the other two hiss submissively.

"My, my~ can you relax a little bit?" The smallest playfully remarked before earning a scowl from the leader.

"We have little time before their Oriclium detects us here. And if they do, they will have to deal with the Holy Knights, or worse, the Templars. Do you understand? Our king expects no failures from us."

The other two hissed silently before simply nodding.

"Alright, boss. What should we do?~"

The tallest demons scanned the surrounding areas, watching the wasteland still burning underneath them. Then he looked in the distance, where he saw a small human town.

"There, we are going there."

"Oh, a human town~!"

"Could we find what we are looking for there?"

The tallest of the three then pulled an orb shining with dark energy. "Perhaps, if not. We should make sure to use this opportunity to test this."

Soon enough, the three shadows flew towards the village of Riverfork, not knowing what they would soon meet.

But then again. The world was not prepared for what would happen soon.