Dark and gloomy

The group reached the mountain path in half a day.

Hex knew he slowed the team. He had trouble maneuvering the mount in the beginning. He only started to get a hang of it when they reached the path.

"Hex, you take the lead."

They had discussed their approach at length during the journey. It seems none of the others had been in the mountains during the winter.

Hex found this strange. Didn't they take missions during the winter?

Hestia had explained to him.

"Most demonic beasts and fiends slumber during the winter. They hunt before or after the season."

"Unless someone wants to spend days tracking a beast deep inside the mountain, we have little to do. Thus, most of us go to the flat lands. The forests and rivers offer plenty of chances."

"Sometimes we even take missions to hunt bandits or escort merchants. You should come with us. It's very lively and you can meet a lot of girls," Greg had added softly so that only Vin and Hex could hear.

Their stories made Hex look forward to traveling the lands. It sounded lively and exciting.

Hex walked to the front and led the team in. He might not know about the Blessed and their ways, but few knew the outer regions of the mountain as well as he did.

"I had marked a few areas with possible demonic beasts last week. Should we check them out?"

After confirming with his team, he led them to the path where he encountered the demonic bear.

'To think I nearly died here barely seven days ago.' Hex remembered how the bear had chased him. 'Now I think about it, it was just dumb luck I survived.'

"Remain alert," Hestia shouted. She felt uncomfortable inside the dark and gloomy mountain.

The others shared her feelings, except Hex. He was used to it.

"Don't worry. Demonic beasts rarely come so far out…"


Hex wanted to comfort his team but he was interrupted by a loud howl.



The team halted. By the sound of it a pack was coming their way.

"Dark wolves," Duter said. He walked forward and stopped beside Hex.

"Hex, retreat," Hestia commanded. She jumped from her mount.


The howls were getting near. Hex felt a bit tense. He didn't fear fighting, but he never clashed against a demonic wolf head on.

"This area is wide and open. We need a narrow passage," he suggested.

"They might retreat once the fight starts. We will trap them here," Hestia shook her head. "You focus on wounding them. If you can kill, do so. Alice, you go up."

Hex frowned at her decision but he decided to trust his team. 'I am used to fighting alone. Now I need to trust them.'

Hex watched Alice climb the steep mountain walls with her hands and feet. She looked like a wall lizard to him.

"They are here."

Duter's voice took him out his thoughts. Not long after they saw a large shadowy wolf appear. It was growling loudly.

The team stood at the other end of the wide passage.

The wolves had black fur and were as big as Vin. The first one had reached Duter.

Duter readied his weapon, a huge hammer. Hex was shocked the first time he had seen it. He swung the hammer.

The wolf was thrown to the side. It hadn't died. The rest of the pack arrived.


An arrow blitzed over. It struck the first wolf in the neck.

Hex didn't have time to keep an eye on it. A wolf pounced at him.


Hex struck with his might. The sword cut into the wolf's fur. But it didn't kill.

Hex didn't feel flustered though. He dodged the incoming claw. At the same time a red light appeared around his arm.


This time his sword cut deep. The wolf struggled. It wanted to retreat. But Hex, emboldened by his attack, struck once more.

The sword cut deep into its neck. The beast writhed but stopped moving soon.

"Ha." Hex exhaled happily. He had killed a demonic beast. Head on. Alone.


Hex was thrown back. A gash appeared on his arm. Thanks to the mid grade leather armor, he didn't suffer major damage.

'Fuck. I lost focus.'

Hex cursed inwardly. He hadn't paid attention to his surroundings. Another wolf appeared.

And the wolf attacked again.


Alice kept an eye out over the entire field. She saw the wolf attack Hex. Her arrow hit the beast in the neck. She aimed all her arrows at the neck.

"Thanks," Hex shouted as he ran to the wolf. Red light glimmered.


He cut deep into the beast's neck. This time he didn't wait for it to stop moving.

He moved quickly to help Vin. The sight of wolves worried him. There were too many.

With his help Vin killed the wolf he had been fighting, quickly.

"Now Hestia," Hex heard Duter shout. He threw a gaze in her direction.


Tendrils of emerald shot out from where Hestia was. The light swirled and sneaked all over the ground.

Hex continued to help his team but soon saw green vines pierce through the ground. They wrapped around the legs of the wolves.

Hex realized what Hestia's plan was. With one look he saw all the beasts trapped where they had been. They struggled to break free.

"Quick," Duter said, "else her energy will deplete completely."

The team started to kill at a rapid tempo. The trapped beasts couldn't dodge nor retreat.

Swords flashed, hammer shattered and arrows pierced. In a few minutes the battle ended. The ground was littered with bodies.

"Nice work," Hestia clapped. She seemed slightly out of breath.

"We need to be quick. There are seven other teams. If we want to harvest as many resources as available, we need to be fast."

Hex pulled a low grade dagger and started to cut into the beasts. Although he had only once harvested a crystal, he was used to cutting and cleaning regular beasts.

He didn't lose out to the other Squires in gathering resources. Hestia and Duter were the only ones not harvesting.

'He stood at the front and took out half of the pack alone. He really is a Knight. A strong Knight.'

Hex wasn't too surprised but still felt awed by Duter's strength. He was the only one who didn't activate his mark, but still managed to kill more than five wolves in quick succession.

Hex put the crystals he harvested in the pouch inside his coat. Feeling it bulge against his chest motivated him.

In a half hour they finished cleaning up all the valuables. Everything else was left behind. It would either de food for regular beasts or crevice hunters would clean them up.

"Hex, you are up again." Hestia said as they mounted their goats.

"Be alert. Something is not right." Hex could hear her voice tremble.

"What do you mean?" Greg asked, confused. They were here to hunt demonic beasts. What was strange about being attacked by a few?

"Mountain wolves rarely appear this close to the outer areas," Duter replied solemnly.

Hex realized that they were right. He had not seen even one.

The dark and gloomy mountain gave an eerie feeling.