In the study (1)

Hex and the Knights led the Hawks to the front door. 

The servants and other Blessed on the castle ground threw curious glances at them but no one stopped them. The men especially couldn't stop gawking at Althea. 

Hestia turned towards the Squires belonging to the Hawks and said, "You guys can stay here. If you need something, ask them to help you. You will also be shown your rooms." 

She then looked at the Squires belonging to the castle and continued. "And make sure our guests are taken care of."

With that, they entered through the main door. Hex looked around, feeling at peace. Although only three days had passed, it felt like it had been longer. 

'I never thought I would miss this place. I guess it's easier to get used to a comfortable bed and nice food,' Hex thought, bemused.

"Lord Wallen," Hex was pulled out of his thought when he heard Ivran call the butler respectfully. To his surprise, he saw that the elderly Knight was bowing politely. 

Wallen replied with a curt bow. "Sir Ivran. Please don't embarrass me. You are our guest." 

The butler was his usual puppet-like but Hex was interested in Ivran's reaction. The elderly Knight looked…submissive. 

'Why is he acting like that? I guess they would know each other but he acts like a child in front of an adult.' 

Not only he, but the others also looked at them strangely. But before they could question them, Wallen spoke.

"The master is expecting all of you. He is waiting inside his study. Hex and the young miss are also allowed to join the meeting."

With that, he turned and walked toward the study. 

Following behind the butler, Hex started to list the things they needed to tell the baron. He even made a mental note about asking to allocate more time to his training. 

'I wonder how he will react to the Dawnbringers. If his wife truly died because of them, he might go berserk.' 

That thought worried Hex. Even though it was irritating to see him unmoved and unbothered by everything around him, it was still better than having the baron go on a rampage. 

Soon they reached the study. Wallen opened the door and let them all in. Hex saw that the chairs were already in place for them.

The baron sat behind his desk. A few moonstones glowed softly, giving the room a warm feel. 

"We are back," Hex said as he plopped in the chair closest to the baron. The baron nodded without looking up. 

Hex moved to see what his master was doing. On the desk, in front of the baron, he saw a few letters and notes, organized neatly. 

"What are those?" Hex asked curiously but he didn't get a reply. 'What could I have expected more?' Hex thought wryly. 

With a sigh, he turned towards the others in the room. Only now did he notice the strange manner they were acting. Briella was even looking at him, agape. 

"Why are you guys standing? Sit down?" Hex waved at the group of stiff-looking Knights. 'Why are they acting so strange?'

Hestia, seeing the strange glances the people gave Hex, chuckled. "Please take a seat. The castle doesn't follow stringent protocols. And don't mind this brat. He doesn't even know that usually people only take a seat when the master of the house allows it?"

'There are such rules?' Hex felt embarrassed. He was never taught the nobility protocols nor had the baron ever pointed it out. 

"There is no use for such rules here," the baron interjected, finally looking up from the documents he had been studying. 

He turned towards Hestia and spoke. "Tell me everything."

As always the baron didn't beat around the bush. He didn't greet nor awaited to be greeted. Seeing him act like his usual self comforted Hex. 

The more he learned about the world, the more he understood that he had been like a frog in a well. The world was far bigger and far much worse than he expected it to be. 

Hestia narrated everything they had seen and experienced in the past three days. At first, she was the only one talking, but soon she required the help of the others to fill in the gaps she missed. 

Hex helped too, now and then. His attention however was on the baron. But to his surprise, the baron remained calm, even when they mentioned the Dawnbringers and the things they suspected them to be after. 

It took a while to finish their story. After Hestia finished, nothing was said for a while. Everyone waited for the baron to speak. 

The baron looked lost in thought. Seeing him so, Hestia poked Hex, signaling him to do something. 

'These Knights act like scared children in front of him,' Hex couldn't help but roll his eyes at them.

"Ahm. Master?" He called out. It worked because the baron looked over. "Any thoughts on how to proceed?"

The baron looked at the people at the table. Everyone was awaiting his instructions it seemed. 

"The Dawnbringers' goal is never limited to one. Only their Herald knows all the targets and the members active in the region," the baron stated. 

"Although I don't know all their objectives, I can guess based on the letters and news the Commander has sent me." The baron pointed at the documents in front of him. 

"Their main objectives for Grindeston should be to control the monolith or destroy the castle's southern tower. Or maybe both."

"But why?" Hex blurted out. He knew the Dawnbringers wished for chaos but what would they achieve by destroying these two? 

He wasn't the only one wondering that. The bewildered look on the faces of the others told Hex that they also didn't know the answer.

"The monoliths could be considered like extensions of the Heavens in the world. Controlling it, helps the controller gain a temporary boost in power, enhancing their powers beyond humanly possible. With the monolith in their control, they can act without retribution from the Heavens."

"Sir, are you saying the Dawnbringers want to commit Sins?" Ivran asked with a trembling voice. Hex saw the old man's face lose all color. 

'Sin? But isn't Sin a stage beasts reach?' Hex couldn't understand what the old Knight was talking about. 

"It's possible."

The others looked from the baron to the old Knight. The baron's reply seemed to have caused Ivran's breath to turn haggard. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Hex asked. He was clearly the one feeling free to ask whatever he wished to ask.

The old Knight struggled to regain his bearing. It was the baron who explained.

"You guys know the ranks a human can achieve as which the beasts can reach. If you paid attention, the beasts have more ranks than humans."

Hex nodded. He had noticed that when Hestia had mentioned the stages. But he thought that Hestia didn't know the other stages. 

"It's usually not revealed but the Heavens forbid stages higher than the Enlightened Knight rank. But humans being humans, are rebellious. Some try to go higher. That's why it's called the Sin rank. You are sinning by breaking the Heaven's limit."

The people at the table looked stunned at the revelation. Hex felt a cold shiver run through his spine. 

'Are these people crazy? No wonder they don't care about the baron. They wished to tap into powers beyond the baron is capable of.' 

Hex felt tiny in front of the Dawnbringers and the baron. Time and again he was forced to realize that he was but an ant. 

"And the southern tower?" Hestia asked with a shaky voice. An organization aiming to go beyond Heaven's will would surely have goals at the same level. 

"Yes," Hex chimed in. "What would destroying the southern tower achieve?"

The baron fell silent for a while. When he spoke again, Hex noticed, for the first time since he knew the baron, some anger concealed within.  

"Destroying the southern tower would enable them to revive the Witch."