Attending the sermon (1)

"D-do you really think that…that they can bring our Gorgie b-back?"

Aunty Jute asked her husband, her intermittent sobs causing her to stutter. Her hair was messy, her clothes had many creases, and the wrinkles around her eyes deepened. 

Uncle George looked at his wife, leaning on his shoulder with teary eyes. He was a lean man with graying hair. He was an experienced Crevice Hunter who was able to live long and healthy despite never becoming a Blessed.

He had never relied on the Heavens or others to live. But today, he was forced to beg. And he didn't mind doing it. He just wished to see his son return safe and sound. 

Gorge was the old couple's pride. A good boy who worked hard, was always cheerful, and didn't fall into bad habits. 

"I don't know. But they are our only hope." 

Old George sounded dejected. He couldn't stop a tear from trickling down his cheek. Desperate yet hopeful, they waited for their guide to arrive. 

They didn't notice the two figures standing behind them.

Seeing the old couple in such a desperate state, Hex felt emotional. These people had fed him when he had no food. Old George even taught him the ropes of being a Crevice Hunter. 

'You will see Gorge soon, old man.' 

He glanced at Althea, who stood beside him, ready to act. They looked at each other and nodded. It was time.

Both, Hex and Althea, had peak Squire-stage powers. Within a blink, they had wrapped the towels with sedating liquid on the lower half of their faces. 

Thanks to the strong dose, the old couple fainted without even realizing what had happened. 

Hex picked Old George and Althea picked Aunty Jute. Using the potion inside the morphuse box, they soon changed their appearance. 

They had worn old robes before coming over. The Knights had infiltrated and taken some of the old couple's clothes without alerting them.

Now and then they helped each other, smoothing over some details, they could catch. 

"We can't get each detail right but I don't think the people at the sermon would watch so closely," Hex said in a hushed tone. "Our focus should be the main characteristics."

Althea, who liked being meticulous, frowned. But soon she realized it would take the whole night to get all the details right. 

They focused on the posture, approximate length, and main facial features. 

"You are still a bit taller than Aunty," Hex said, once they had finished applying the final touches. Althea was almost as tall as him. Although Aunty wasn't short, she couldn't compare to the long-legged Althea. 

The potion could only do so much. 

"I think…you should lean on me while we walk," Hex said with a hollow cough. "That way it won't be as apparent."

"Okay," Althea didn't seem to mind. Perhaps days of training together had accustomed her to having his body close to hers. 

"Are you guys done?" Hestia asked softly through the gap Hex and Althea had entered.


Hearing Hex's reply, Hestia entered. She gave the two an evaluating look. 

"Well done. You guys truly look like an old couple now" Hestia said with a wink at them. Hex resisted blushing while Althea looked pleased.

'I bet she thinks Hestia is complimenting her skill,' Hex thought, amused by the cluelessness the talented girl could show. 

Before Hestia could continue, he turned towards her. "Please make sure they get to the castle safely."

She nodded. "Don't worry. They will receive proper care. And Sir Ivran will personally explain them." 

To maintain secrecy they didn't tell others about their plan. So, they had to let the old Knight explain things instead of the healer. Only when they finished their task, would they allow others, such as Lira and the other Blessed at the castle, to see the old couple. 

With the help of her vines, Hestia lifted the old couple and cautiously left the house. Hex and Althea sat on the floor, waiting.

Hex felt his heart beat fast. He truly hoped to find some answers.

It was late in the night when a soft knock was heard on the door. 

"Who is it?" Hex said, sounding hoarse. Thanks to his familiarity with Old George, he was able to emulate him. 

"Herman," the reply came. Without waiting, the visitor pushed the door open. In the dim light from the streets, Hex recognized the middle-aged man he had seen a couple of days ago. 

He remained seated but his look at Herman changed. He seemed hopeful but fidgety. 

Herman gave them a warm smile. His whole demeanor was warm and comforting. Hex even felt his tension ebb away. 

"Have you decided? Will you allow us to save your son?" Herman asked with a soothing voice.

Hex turned towards Althea. She was looking at him, with tears in her eyes. She nodded heavily, grabbing his sleeves. 

'She sure can act.'

Hex put his hands around her shoulder and exhaled deeply. 

"W-we will participate. We want our son back."

Hearing his reply, Herman's smile became even broader. 

"Excellent. I promise you, you won't regret it. From the moment you decide to serve our Lord, no other bond will be stronger."

His words made Hex narrow his eyes. 'It almost sounds as if I will be brainwashed.'

Hex had his share of experience with con men. The best cons always were honest but with a twisted sense of wording. The only way to see through it was to read between the lines. 

"We will both go to the sermon," Hex continued.

"That is even better. The more people sing our Lord's praise, the more pleased He will be." Herman genuinely sounded pleased. 

After helping each other stand, Hex and Althea followed behind Herman. The man seemed very pleased. 

Hex realized they weren't going to the plaza this time. They were descending the hill, to the foot of the hill.

'They have a lot of hideouts for outsiders.' Hex considered all these observations as proof that the Dawnbringers had a lot of accomplices in the town.

Underway, more and more people joined. With trepidation in his heart, Hex saw almost half of the slums gathered by the time they reached the foot.

'This is going to be hard,' Hex thought as he glanced at Althea. Her expression hadn't changed but Hex felt her grip on his arm tighten.

At the foot, Herman went to the front.

Except for a large boulder, nothing else was around.

"My heart rejoices, seeing so many soon-to-be brothers and sisters of mine. Welcome. To the Divine Residence."

As soon as he was done speaking, the boulder shuddered and split open. 

A golden light shone brightly engulfing them all. The next moment, the ground stood empty.