The top five (3)

"I am going to kill that black-haired bastard!"

An old, crow-faced woman screamed, holding her only grandson's lifeless body. 

Tears rolled down her cheek as she cried, making her look more inhuman. 

"I can understand your pain but it's not yet time for you to act!" Conrad said in a calm voice, patting her shoulders in an attempt to console her.

"We have been waiting for six years now, Conrad. You promised us power, wealth, and a chance to change our fates," the woman shouted. "So far we didn't get any but we lost so many of our allies."

"She has a point, Conrad. How long till we get rid of the baron?" 

Surprisingly, it was Tholmund who chose sides with the crow-faced woman. Usually, they were at each other's throats but they also knew each other the longest.

"Soon. All the preparations are nearly done. We just need to wait till the tournament has ended and our vessel is ready," Conrad explained patiently. He didn't wish to lose allies this close to achieving his lifelong goal.

"But this only means I can't kill the boy yet. He still can die during the rumble, right?" The crow-faced woman asked suddenly, looking coldly at Conrad.

"I was hoping you would say that," the old man said with a nasty smile. "Clannad will make sure he is dead before the tournament ends."

Hex watched the fourth match with interest. The two Squires battling belonged both to the Viscount's delegation.

They were experienced, middle-aged men with excellent skills in the way of swords. Their moves were smooth and direct.

Hex suspected that they had sparred countless times with each other and were familiar with each other. Their techniques were nothing fancy but enhanced their strong points.

'This is what a tournament should actually look like. Two opponents who respect each other, trying to win based on pure skill and technique.'

Even though he didn't think either would hold back against him in the rumble, he enjoyed watching their fight. It helped him understand his sword style better. 

For example, the way he swung his sword was often too abrupt and without a thought about the next move. Watching the Squires, Hex thought of a few ways to follow up after the swing. 

Sadly, he was probably the only one who watched the match. The other participants were occupied with other things.

Ericka had brought Erick to the infirmary, Althea was polishing her spear and Clannad had brought Born's corpse away.

The spectators also were using the match period as their evening break. Some were taking a quick nap while others were grabbing something to eat. 

While eating or waiting for the fifth match, they were already discussing the rumble. Although Hex didn't pay much attention to the talks around him, he knew most people were considering him and Clannad as the favorites.

Erick had a poor performance, no one had seen Ericka in a real match, and the squires on the stage were being ignored.

The match went on for some time. Only when the winner's name was called did people start to look toward the stage.

Both men were panting and filled with bruises. They only stopped when the winner had disarmed his opponent. 

"The winner of the fourth match…Edward Maine!" The hostess's shout echoed through the arena.

A lackluster applause sounded in the arena. Edward looked annoyed at the response but there was little he could do about it.

He walked away, accompanied by his opponent. They were lost in an agitated discussion.

Seeing them descend the stairs, Hex turned towards the girl beside him. 

"Are you ready?" He asked softly. She nodded and picked her spear up.

On the stage, the hostess started to hype up the final match to decide the last person to reach the top five.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the match everyone has been waiting for is here. On one side we have Althea Thunderspear, the brightest and most skilled youth champion the Northern Hawks have seen. She is rumored to be on the cusp of Knighthood and might reach it before the age of twenty."

Althea was a well-known figure in the northern provinces. Her heroics were told by traveling merchants for some years. 

Her valor combined with her excellent figure and beautiful looks, made her one of the most famous youngsters in the kingdom. 

Even the folk from Grindeston who were usually less open to outsiders, cheered loudly. 

The hostess, pleased with the reaction from the crowd, smiled and continued with the last participant.

"A youth champion like her deserves an equally impressive opponent. Luckily, we have that tonight. Her opponent is none other than Grindeston's own youth champion…Clannad Glaciaborn!"

The lights suddenly turned toward the path leading up to the platform. The door of the arena opened and Clannad appeared in the opening.


"We love you!"


The crowd screamed and cheered louder than ever before. In their eyes, he was the true representation of Grindeston. 

The crowd's reaction was within Hex's expectations. But he was surprised by the warm smile Clannad exuded as he made his way to the platform. He was even waving at the public.

'He left angrily but in such a short time he has been able to hide his true emotions. Impressive,' Hex mused, observing his old rival closely.

He knew there was no way that Clannad had his anger go. Hex only hoped that whatever Clannad was about to do, Althea could withstand.

On the stage, the hostess had finished hyping up Clannad and the match between two of the strongest contenders for the championship.

"Everyone, this is truly a match once in a lifetime. Make sure to enjoy it to the fullest!"

Under the loud cheers of the crowd, the hostess left the platform. Clannad and Althea stood there, eying each other.

For a while, they didn't say anything. They seemed to be waiting for the signal to start the match.

But suddenly Clannad spoke. 

"You might not know but I admire you a lot. If things were different I might have pursued you."

'Is he proposing now?' Hex raised his brows mockingly. And if he was honest, it felt good to know he had a better chance with the girl his rival had a crush on.

"I didn't know but it doesn't matter. Our paths are different," Althea said apathetically.

"I know. I am telling you because I just wished to do so. Just like I wish for someone to cry," Clannad said, his smile unchanging but with his eyes turning cold.

"And to make that person cry, I will need to hurt you. And badly too," Clannad continued, as the ice started to form under his feet.

Althea swung her spear in reply, taking her stance. The swing caused the spear to release a thunder-like roar.

The crowd became silent. They knew the match between the two champions was about to start.