The Silver Templar


Hex marveled at the feeling of power as he clenched his fists. He hadn't been able to test it after finishing the refinement of all the Fiend crystals but he was certain his peak-stage body had at least doubled in strength. It wasn't at the level of a Knight-grade physique but wasn't far off. 

Hex peeped outside. The temple was empty aside from an old man dosing off in the corner. This clerk was another old man than the one Hex negotiated with. 

It is still early in the morning so people are still in their beds, I guess. Hopefully, they skip coming to the temple today too.'

There was a high chance his wish would be fulfilled. The Knight division would continue their fights today to determine the finalists for tomorrow. Hex had no way of knowing if the Knights were faring but he didn't have time to worry about that. 

After a quick breakfast, Hex pulled the last crystal out of its pouch. The Disaster crystal shone softly in his palms. It looked mesmerizing and peaceful. 

Hex didn't let its appearance fool him though. He may have never refined a crystal of such class before but his experience with the Fiend crystals had given him a clue to how terrifying the energy inside would be. 

Hex slowly picked up the crystal and stood in front of the monolith. He remained rooted in place for a few seconds, holding his breath. Then he finally exhaled deeply.

"The more I delay, the harder it will become to take the step. Let's fucking do this," he groaned and with one quick motion put his hand on top of the monolith. 

Hex was cautious. He wasn't underestimating the task at hand. Yet, he was not prepared for what happened next. 

With the Demon and Fiend crystals, the chaotic energy inside them flowed into Hex's body. But with the Disaster crystal, it burst into him, all at once. And that wasn't the most dangerous part of it.

The chaotic energy of the Disaster crystal was so volatile that it exploded inside Hex. Hex spat blood out as his insides were burning. But no matter how much it hurt, Hex didn't let go of the monolith or pass out.

"D-Don't lose consciousness now! Or you will explode," Hex groaned at himself, struggling to remain in control.

The chaotic energy felt like a thick, viscous glob. It cost Hex every iota of focus to make it move towards his throbbing heart. 

Time had lost meaning for Hex. He didn't know whether it had taken him a minute or an eon but he finally managed to get the glob in his heart. 


The moment it entered, Hex felt as if his heart had exploded. He groaned and spat another mouthful of blood. His chest was hurting badly. The pain was even worse than the time he had stuck a sword inside it. 

Hex groaned and growled. He lost his sense of self. The bear-shaped cloak around him started to become corporal. But instead of an increase, its size decreased to match the size of Hex. It also started to become more humanoid. Hex remained oblivious to all this. 

After an unknown period, the pain finally started to subside. By now, Hex was already numb to it. Streaks of dried blood of saliva and blood were stuck around his lips. Intuitively, Hex knew the process was over. He had survived. 

Only now did he relax and let the monolith go. His body, weakened by the prolonged duress, failed to support him. He slumped against the black pillar and slid down to the floor. Laying on the cold floor, powerless to lift even a finger, Hex finally closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

When Hex opened his eyes, he found himself on the floor. With a start he got up, only to realize his body felt a bit different than before.

After moving a bit he was awestruck. His peak Squire-grade body had become even stronger. Hex wasn't sure whether it had reached the Knight grade or not but even if it hadn't, it wasn't far off.

He clenched his fist and punched the air in front of him. With a 'thud' sound, the air blasted out. It wasn't the wind element fused in his attack, it was just the impact of raw strength. 

He caressed his hands and torso, admiring the lean and dense muscles he felt underneath his skin. Even his skin seemed more durable than before.

"I doubt a normal sword can cut into my flesh anymore," Hex grinned, pleased with the improvement. "It was a hellish experience but so worth it."

Realizing he had broken through, Hex activated the mark on his hand. He didn't expect any drastic changes before swallowing Kobold's soul from Kobold. 

But when the light wrapped around him, he was proven wrong. The light didn't transform or cloak around him. It just appeared as a thin layer around him. It was barely visible.

The thinness, however, didn't mean it was weaker. It gave a sensation of a thin armor wrapped around his skin. 

'It's this all?' He wondered, expecting more from a third Blessing. Yes, he had yet to absorb the soul and gain a glyph but it wouldn't just be armor, right? 'At least, the faint outline of a bear should have become denser.'

He decided to test its power. Once more he clenched his fist. As soon as he did that, he noticed the difference. The air around him started to vibrate. 

"That's what I am fucking talking about?" He laughed and then punched out. The impact of his fist on the air gave a muffled 'boom' sound. The blast even shook the chamber he was in. 

'I am not even at half of my strength,' Hex marveled. He was pleased with the result. He looked around and saw the crystals he had refined but the Disaster one was nowhere to be found. He did see a heap of crystal dust around the monolith. 

'Don't tell me I have extracted all the power contained within it, causing it to be destroyed.' Hex gave it a thought but then shrugged. It was his, to begin with - the baron had given it to him - so he didn't fret over it. It had done the thing it was for. He had reached the next stage.

He used the morphuse box to reapply the disguise. Two days were too long for it to remain in effect. He picked the refined crystals and exited the chamber. To his shock, he stood in the darkness. 

'What happened here? And where is that old guy?' Hex looked around, confused about the atmosphere inside the Temple. The place was always open and there was at least one clerk on guard duty. 

"You are not supposed to be here!" A stern voice said, followed by the appearance of the old priestess. Hex looked nervously at her. The old lady was not to be underestimated. He had spent years in her care, he knew she was sharp and unforgiving.

"I-I was refining crystals. It was in agreement with the old clerk…," Hex stammered, explaining himself quickly. Even in front of the baron he didn't feel so nervous as in front of the old priestess. It might have to do with her being the most intimidating person during his childhood. 

The priestess nodded slowly. "If you are done, leave the crystals here and leave. The Temple is closed for a few days."

"Why?" Hex couldn't help but ask. He couldn't remember when the Temple was closed for longer than a few hours. It had never happened before. 

"Maintenance. Now go," the priestess replied. 

'Does it have something to do with the Dawnbringers?' Hex suspected more behind it but in his disguise he wasn't in a position where he could inquire. Putting the crystals where he was told to, he left the Temple. 

The priestess knocked with her wooden staff against the floor, causing the massive doors to slam shut. 

"Is everything ready?" She grumbled. As she walked up the steps, her wooden staff knocked on the floor. After each knock, changes occurred.


Her hunch disappeared.


Her back straightened, making her look taller and valiant.


Her braids loosened, making her long hair fall. The gray hair had changed into silver.


Her robes fell and a silver armor with holy light glowing around it appeared.


All wrinkles disappeared, revealing an extremely beautiful face with white eyes. As she stood on the top of the steps, she grabbed the wooden staff. The wooden outer layer turned into vapor, leaving an intricately carved silver sword behind. 

The clerks appeared beneath the steps, all clad in white armor. Seeing the angel-like figure of the priestess above the steps, they all kneeled and shouted all unionized.

"We are ready, Heavenly Templar of Punishment!"