Setting the stage

Lira entered Alice's room.

For a while now, no one other than her came to visit. She approached the bed and lifted the sheet. 

Alice was naked underneath it. Her bloated belly contorted as the thing inside seemed to push against the skin, attempting to get out.

"Easy, young one. Soon, you will take center stage," Lira whispered after putting her mouth close to the belly and caressing it lovingly.

Whatever was inside Alice seemed capable of hearing and understanding what Lira was saying to it. It stopped moving but only for a while. Soon, it struggled with increased fervor as if it wasn't looking forward to whatever she had planned for it.

"Rude!" Lira said with a pout. "You were already in this world before this place even existed yet remained forgotten. This is your chance to make your existence known. You will love it."

Lira spoke lovingly as she picked up the scalpel and started to cut fine lines on the belly. She skillfully worked around the contortions caused by the wriggling fetus inside.

The markings started to glow with golden light as she continued her work. Only her humming could be heard in the room.

In the room beside, Gorge was lying peacefully. Suddenly, he started to writhe as if he was in agony. 

"Gorge, what's happening?" His mother asked worriedly. She and her husband tried to calm their son down.

But Gorge continued to move around. The only response their parents got was a barely inaudible whisper.

"Stop talking. Please stop talking. Just tell me how to save you."

The coach rode unhurried on the path to the arena. The baron's crest on it prevented any uphold underway.

Hex sat opposite the baron who seemed lost in thought. He tried not to look to his side where Oron sat or he feared breaking out in laughter.

The big boar-like fellow sat upright and uptight. He even held his legs as if he feared that the slightest movement on his part would upset the baron.

It was funny seeing the loudmouthed Knight struggling to behave prim and proper.

Hex withheld his laugh so he wouldn't embarrass the man. Instead, he focused on the question whirling in his mind.

"I know why you are coming with us but wouldn't the enemy use this as the moment to launch their attack on the castle?"

The question brought the baron's attention back to the people opposite him. From the corners of his eyes, Hex noticed Oron lowering his head as if he wished to burrow it under the ground.

"I am counting on them doing so," the baron said finally. "Don't worry about them. Try to survive and win. If you don't, worse things will happen."

"Way to increase the pressure on me," Hex snapped at the Hex, causing Oron to whimper softly. Hex looked at him annoyed.

"Stop acting like a kid. The baron won't kill you for sitting normally," he admonished the Knight. He looked back at the baron and continued.

"I know what I have to do. Just make sure you can stop those oldies from pulling me to their graves."

The baron turned his face to the outside and replied, "I also know what to do."

Silence hung in the coach for the remainder of their journey. Only when they reached the arena, did the outside noises start to enter the coach.

Peeping through the curtain slits, Hex saw a large crowd making their way into the stands. There was an even larger crowd outside, attending the stalls to get drunk.

The entrance was filled with people but luckily they were with the baron. People parted as soon as they saw the crest. 

Together with the baron they exited the coach and took their seats in the designated area. 

There were already people sitting in this area. The most notable were of course the rotund man in charge of the town's finances and the crow-like lady who handled the town's administrative duties. Both were close to Conrad.

Hex was especially wary of the old lady. After all, he killed her grandson a few days ago. When their gazes met, he saw the venomous hatred in her eyes.

"I hope you join my grandson soon, black-haired outsider," she hissed at Hex. 

"Easy now," Hex said with his palms up, "don't stress your heart too much, or else you will be the one seeing your grandson soon."

"You…!" She gritted her teeth, ready to unleash her power but froze. All the people near felt an invisible pressure enveloping them. 

Hex and Oron were the only ones able to move. They looked immediately at the baron who ignored everyone and took his seat at the top. Oron and Hex hurried to sit beside him. 

The old crow swallowed her anger and sat back beside the rotund man. 

"You should control your strength, my lord," a calm voice said from behind them. Without turning, Hex knew his opponent had arrived.

Conrad walked from behind their seats, apparently having taken another path. Behind him stood all four of Hex's opponents. Even Callum, Oron's opponent, stood beside Conrad.

Spark flew as all the participants looked at each other. Right then, the baron's cold voice came.

"I did control my strength. If not, there would be no spectators left," the baron replied, his gaze locking with Conrad's.

Conrad was the first to look away. 

'Old man, you would sooner win a staring contest against a wall than against this man,' Hex lampooned as he pitied the old man.

Right then, the hostess appeared on stage. She was clad in elegant but revealing clothes, having the time of her life. She basked in the attention everyone gave her.

She took her time hyping the match. She highlighted each contestant, even Hex. According to her, Hex was the dark horse, making his way from the depths of the slums to the glory of the town. 

She did add 'the baron's disciple' to hype him even more. After all, based on her introduction, it was implied he made his way thanks to the baron's tutelage.

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally started to call them on stage.

"The twins who shine bright like diamonds in the sky, Erick and Ericka!"

The twins were the first to be called on stage. They walked hand in hand, inseparable as always, up to the stage. 

Boys and girls cheered, some even going as far as professing their love for them.

"The man from the south, the Viscount's guardsman Edward Maine!"

The slightly older Squire made his way onto the stage. He received a lukewarm applause. This made Edward's face fall. He looked quite irritable as he stood forgotten in the twins' shadow.

"The boy from the slums, the one who crawled in all our dark crevices, the baron's disciple…Hex Darkenmane!"

Hex was surprised by the reception he received. The cheers didn't seem less than the twins. He did notice that no one proposed but he was okay with that.

When he took his place beside Edward, he received a nasty look from the Squire. Hex just shrugged and ignored him. They would never be friends so he didn't bother with him.

"And finally, the most handsome, the most favorite, the strongest warrior so far. He is no other than your youth champion…Clannad Glaciaborn!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as Clannad walked up to the stage. He wasn't paying the crowd any attention. His focus was on Hex.

Hex noticed his gaze and understood him. They would duke it out first, one on one. It was time to end their rivalry. The stage was set.