The old fox (1)

The monoliths could be considered as extensions of the Heavens in the world. Controlling it, helps the controller gain a temporary boost in power, enhancing their powers beyond humanly possible. 

The words of the baron surfaced in Hex's mind. 'I didn't pay much heed to it then but it seems true.' 

Hex was pleased to have a path forward. Gleeful with the first attack he hurried back to the monolith. He quickly sucked a stream of energy out of the monolith.

"Stop him," Herman shouted in panic. "We can't lose the monolith to them."

Avery disappeared back into the darkness. They had one task. Gain control over the monolith. Seeing Hex successfully unleash strength far exceeding his rank was a cause of worry.

"Stop them," Adgar shouted, countering his opponent's words. He couldn't allow them to harm Hex. His display of power made Agdar believe that Hex truly could prevent the monolith from exploding. 

Oron roared and activated his mark, going all out. The Knight's muscles became bigger and veinier. His skin started to give a reddish glow. He jumped into the group of undead and unleashed punches and kicks like a madman. 

Herman blasted airwaves in quick succession. He targeted all three opposing Knights. The airwaves were thin and sharp. 

Adgar waved his hands in the air as if he was paddling. Bursts of air clashed against the airwaves, causing turbulence. 

While Adgar took on Herman, Orvyn hurried back to the barrier. But before he reached it, he saw Avery step out of the darkness.

He didn't hold back this time. Black smoke draped around him as he ran up to Hex.

Hex was ready. He focused the energy on his fist. When Avery reached him, they both punched out.

When Avery's punch connected, Hex felt the air being pushed out of his lungs. The punch moved him back a few meters. But he held on, gasping for breath.

His punch also connected perfectly. Avery was once more blasted back. But the distance was shorter. The darkness around had dissipated but was slowly reforming.

"Don't let it recover. Keep attacking him!" Orvyn shouted. 

Hex was already on the move. He focused the chaotic energy in his legs and stepped off. The next moment he slammed into Avery. It happened so fast, that no one was able to follow it

Avery coughed blood. The body slam had broken his ribs. He hurried towards the darkness. He required complete darkness to meld his body with. But just as he was about to step into it, the floor rolled in a reverse wave. His step forward brought him a few meters behind. The darkness became farther and Hex came nearer. 

Hex saw Avery suddenly being moved towards him. His eyes lit up as he immediately glanced toward Orvyn, who was on his knees, applying his technique to the ground around him. 

'What a wonderful technique. Or should I say what a cunning user?' Hex marveled at Orvyn's ingenuity. But just then a thought struck him. 'I am simply punching with more strength. What if I apply it with the bearhanded sword, enhanced with the second glyph?'

At once he activated the glyph, activating the second Blessing. The second Blessing gave him the ability to control over energy at will. The chaotic energy and Blessing energy fused and concentrated in his fist, lightning fast. This happened while he was already moving to hit Avery. The next moment, his fist connected with Avery's back.


Hex felt his punch blasting a hole in the Knight. The air exploded. The body of the Knight blasted forward. In a blink, the wall - at least what was left of it - shattered and turned into dust. The floor in front of Hex was destroyed, leaving only bits of pieces of tiles.

"ARG," Hex groaned. His senses only picked up the feeling of excruciating pain in his arm. Looking down, he saw his skin had tears, even the scales had come off around his knuckles, leaving bloodied patches. When Hex tried to move his fingers he felt a sting.

Hex smiled wryly. His enhanced regeneration kicked in. He looked up. The dust had settled in. In the distance, he saw Avery squirm on the ground. Even now, the Knight held on to his life.

Right then Hex saw Orvyn reach the man on the floor. Hex watched in confusion as the big man put his hands on Avery's chest. But soon his confusion turned into shock. Avery's body started to inflate and move like a balloon, becoming larger and larger until…


…it exploded. Pieces of flesh and streams of blood splattered all over the place. None landed on Orvyn though. 


Hex turned and saw the undead clerks fall flat on the floor. He saw a black vapor escape their body and dissipate in the air. 

Seeing Avery's fate, Herman started to panic more. He was now outnumbered four to one. The shock caused him to react a fraction of a second too late to Adgar's attack. A fierce wind slammed into him, throwing him back. Before he regained his footing, he sensed a dangerous force from behind. Oron was right behind him.

Oron saw the fear on Herman's face. The next second his fist slammed into Herman's face. Oron's full-powered fist shattered Herman's head. Blood and brains splattered everywhere. 

Hex slumped on the floor. The fight had ended. They had won. The monolith was not saved yet but the danger had decreased. He tried to accelerate the regeneration of his wounds. 

The Knights sat too. They were tired and wounded. Everyone tried to catch a quick breath. But they didn't realize the danger they were in.

High in the air, the manifestations of the Transformation-stage Knights clashed fiercely against each other. The moment Avery died, both superpowers sensed the shift in momentum.

"You lost!" Silvera's bell-like laughter reverberated in the air. But the next moment she choked on her laugh.

Ronan was still smiling. His expression was tranquil. It was as if the loss hadn't any effect on him. But Silvera sensed the change in pressure radiating from her opponent. She looked wide-eyed at Ronan. 

"Y-you are burning your soul! Are you crazy?!" Her scream was filled with panic. 

"What can I say? If you wish to achieve something you should put your soul into it, isn't it?" His eyes filled with craziness.

The fox phantom in the air suddenly shed its fur. Each strand of fur turned into a golden miniature spear. Despite their size, Silvera was filled with panic and fear. 

She hurried to fill the space around her with silvery needles. Her chains slithered over and wrapped around her. 

The spears shot out, clashing against her silver defense. Each hit destroyed a piece of her defense. 

Soon the silver around her was gone. But there were still many golden spears. Those rammed into her, throwing her to the ground.

Hex and the others were resting when suddenly something crashed in front of them. The floor burst. The dust flew. The shockwave made them brace themselves.

When the dust settled, they looked up. A beautiful lady, wrapped in silver armor, lay on the floor. She wasn't moving.

Before they could make sense of it, another body slammed into the floor. But there was one difference. This one was alive and on his feet. 

"Ready for another round?"

Ronan asked them with a smile. The smile, calm as it was, caused the four men to go pale in fear.