This era's protagonist

"The Witch is back."

On the other side of the hill, these words reverberated in Hex's mind. He scrambled back to his feet after the initial shockwave subsided. 

"W-what do you mean?" He asked stupidly, hoping to hear anything else than the actual words he heard. 

The sky rumbled loudly as lightning flashed through the dark clouds coiling above the castle. It hadn't dispersed after the lightning struck. On the contrary, it seemed to be enraged. The distant thundering made his heart skip beats. It was akin to a beast readying itself to unleash its fury. 

"What's happening?" Silvera was quick on her feet and ran up to the baron. "I thought you said everything in the castle is under your control? How could THIS have happened?"

She was seething with anger but Hex saw her eyes and the looks within them. It wasn't fear. It was worry. 

"Things are still under control," the baron said.