A cursed boy

'Why does she also have black hair?'

'Is she the Witch?'

'Is she my m…?'

Questions after question rose in his mind as he stared blankly at the robed lady in the air. His heart thumped loudly in his chest. He hoped there was no connection between him and the Witch but events of the past popped at random before his eyes.

He saw the image of the past when he was thrown out of the cloister at the age of twelve, just before the finals of the Youth Championship. The crowd was jeering, the other kids laughed, and Clannad sneered, but nothing hurt him more than the indifferent gaze of the man who had decided his fate with a few words.

'Was this the reason?'

'But why bring me back? Why take me in, train me, heck even give the Knight's Path? Why not leave me to rot in the dark chasms of the mountains?' 

His blank mind filled with confusion then with sadness, followed by anger, ending finally in feeling lost.

