Chapter 17: confession and confession.

After that day, David stops talking and meeting with the lady as often as he did before. His behaviors worry Khatoon, thinking that maybe something has happened to him. One night she texts David:

Hey, how are you?

About half an hour passes and still no reply to be seen. The David that would instantly reply to this kind of behavior makes Khatoon more worried as she was writing to ask if anything had happened to him she gets a reply.

Hello, I am fine. How are you?

Sir, is everything all right?

Yes, everything is fine. How are your days going?

Khatoon wasn't able to show her anxiousness and concern to not worry David if he had problems already and replied as usual.

It is all right. I go to school and do my usual things.

Good to hear.

So, how is your life lately?

It is fine. I am starting to figure out things more now.

Oh, is it related to the thing we talked about that day?

Yes, it is.

I am happy to have heard that. So, what do you think about it?

Umm, let's meet up so we can talk about it more clearly.

Can't you say it now?

I can, but it is important to I want to say it directly.

Ahh, now you make me more anxious about the answer.

David laughs and replies with a laughing emoji and a grin emoji beside it.

You have to wait for the answer.

I think I have no other choice.

Good girl let's meet at the usual place tomorrow at 5.

Hmm, okay I can come.

After setting up the date they continue texting for a while more. And eventually say their goodnights and stop texting.

The next day before the date, at Khatoon's place.

What should I wear? Is this all right, what about this one?

Khatoon trying to pick clothes forgets about what they were going to talk about. After a while when she comes back to her senses, she remembers the last conversation.

Ah, what is he hiding? Sometimes he becomes mysterious not answering.

After getting prepared she starts moving out.

David on the other hand prepares himself as well and starts moving. On the way, he buys some flowers and chocolate to gift the lady.

After a while David arrives at the park looking at the bench he can't see the lady while having relief he says:

Thank God she hasn't arrived yet.

Then he starts moving towards the bench and waits for the lady at there. While waiting he thinks to himself:

How about I wait at the entrance? Wouldn't that be more appealing?

He decides to wait at the gate for Khatoon. After some time, he spots Khatoon from afar. After Khatoon comes closer he waves his hand with an excited expression and says:

Hello, milady.

Hello sir. Sorry, I am late.

No, you are on time. See I just arrived as well.

That is good then. I wouldn't want to make you wait for me.

David smiles and raises his hand in the direction of the bench.

Shall we go then?


Both make their way to the bench and sit. For a few seconds, a heavy silence forms between them. Khatoon as to break the silence asks:

So, what was it that you wanted to tell me directly?

Well, this may be sudden. But last time you remember how I explained the situation, right?

Yes, and?

Lately, I have been thinking about it to figure out what my feelings were true.

What is the conclusion then?

David while pulling out the flowers and handing them to Khatoon says:

I thought a lot. For some time, I thought it was just an attachment, or talking with you has become a habit to me. But after a while of separation and thoroughly thinking about it I figure it out. I love Milady, this may be lame of me. Maybe I am moving too fast while you may think of me just as a friend. But I wanted to be clear about my feelings. Will you give me the honor of dating you, milady?

Khatoon while having a dumbfounded expression, also excited pinches his cheeks slowly as to wake herself. Then replies:

Since you are being honest with me I also have to confess. If you still feel like you want to go out with me. Then I will gladly accept.

I will accept you however you are.

Now, don't rush it. You may regret it later.

Okay, so what is it?

The truth is I am sick. I have a tumor in my head. Which possibly affects my behaviors and thoughts. I will have surgery to remove it a few months from now. There is a possibility that I will forget everything that has happened during the appearance of the tumor. Also, after I am cured I will go back to how I was. The old me may not accept you so will you still want to be with me?

While saying the last sentence Khatoon's expression becomes sadder than saying the full story. As to show how much nervous she is saying that. David looking at her says with a light smile says:

Even if you forget me completely I will again introduce myself and try to make you love me again. Of course, I will accept you. so let me ask again. Milady, will you give me the great honor of loving you and being loved by you?

Hearing that Khatoon's expression turned from sad to happy. As if turning from a moonless night to a bright noon. With a big smile from ear to ear, she replies:

Yes, it will be my pleasure. My dear sir.

Hearing that David becomes so happy he starts looking around, moving his head this way and that way. As if he has found Eldorado in an unexpected luck. After that day their official dating life starts.

Both of them sat there happily staring at each other for minutes. Then Khatoon says:

We are officially lovers now. So, what now?

Ah, I didn't think about that part. Maybe we will figure it out moving forward.

David said that while looking like a kid who is being praised. Overwhelmed by joy. Khatoon seeing him like that laughs and says:

Yes, we will figure it out.

Then with a devilish grin as to make David more surprised with a charming and affectionate tone says:

My dear sir.