
Even though I've been around for a while, I didn't had the chance to explore the village yet. I've only been to the healer's hut and that's it. Jason was worried about me and kept me home to heal.

I didn't mind it. It was nice spending time together. He is a pleasant company, and we get along very well despite our differences.

It's still difficult for me to adapt the mentality that a female of this world has. I would like to learn to integrate, but at the same time to still retain some of my old world learnings.

Thank whatever entity or deity brought me here that he changed my body to that of a female of this world. Now I don't have to worry about my monthly cycle since I will only get it once a year since I'm a snake female.

Snakes are considered ferals here, but I don't know if I am also considered one. I don't think males would care about my race as long as I am a female. Reproduction is a huge deal here.

I would get in a lot of trouble with my human fertility. It could also be dangerous for me. Good thing I am no longer human.

Now back to my walk. Jared has offered to carry me, but I vehemently refused. I have two functional legs and I will use them.

"Is there anything interesting in the village?" I ask with interest.

"There are some nice places I can show you if you would like." The soft-spoken Jared answer me while keeping an eye on our surroundings.

"Let's go then." It could be fun. Having around such an eye candy already made my day sweeter.

He leads me with our hands still interlocked. He is still a bit red and his tail is swinging around. I think he is nervous. But probably the good kind of nervous.

He keeps stealing glances at me from time to time, but when our eyes meet he looks away.

Awe how cute!

I never dated a shy person before. Knowing how easily I can get him flustered gives me a weird kind of satisfaction. My inner sadist(I didn't even know I had) wants to bully him a bit, but I'm afraid I will scare the poor kitten away.

I smile and hug his arm, and he is frozen for a few good seconds there, then he blushed heavily. "Are you ok?" I ask with a devilish grin.

"I… I am fine." He answers, avoiding looking at me.

"Then let's keep going." He gives me a hum as an answer, and we continue while having a pleasant conversation. Or more like me asking questions and him trying to keep up with me.

We are soon in a flower field with many small white flowers in full bloom. There are a few other females and their cubs further away, but we don't go near them since I want this to be a day for us. Socializing with my fellow females can wait for another day.

I bend and start to gather the flowers, and Jared does the same. I try to make myself a crown, but it's harder than I remember. The last time was making one, I was like 7 or 8.

I ended up with a hideous abomination of a crown with loose knots and flower ends sticking out of it. I sigh in disappointed and trow it away.

Getting up make me realize that my legs are numb from crouching for too long. I'm never doing it again.

Jared stands up and offers me a well-made crown. "Can I?" He asks with uncertainty. I simply nod my head, and he carefully places the crown on my head. He took a step back and looked at me." Beautiful."

I don't know whether he talks about the crown or me, but I like to think that he was referring to me. I am very confident in my looks. Before, I was an 8 as a human, but I fell like maybe a 9 and a half since I became a snake.

I look the same, but my hair and body is in a much better condition than before. Not only that, but I'm so smooth with no body hair and an elastic and firm skin. I feel more flexible, and I have more stamina than before.

My eyes changed colors to a gorgeous golden, they are so clear and the slit pupil makes me look so damn hot. I'm free of blemishes and I can't feel any pore on my face, my lips seem plumper with a natural rosy color. My confidence has skyrocketed.

"Thank you Jared." I stand on my tip toes and give him I kiss on his cheek. His eyes open wide in surprise, but otherwise he seems happy, although he is all red and stuttering.

I giggled at his reaction. It would be fun having him around. I hope he and Jason can get along since I am considering accepting Jared, but I need to talk about it more when I get home.

After Jared calms down, he asks me if I want to keep staying here or if I wish to go to the next place. "Let's go to the next one then."

"Do you want to ride on my back? I can shift to my beast form, it is a bit far from here."

Oh my god! Should I go for it? I never imagined I would have the chance to ride a jaguar before. "Yes!" I answer enthusiastically.

Jared takes off his skirt and soon in front of me stays a massive jaguar. He lay down and looks at me.

Oh, he waits for me to climb. I walked around him a few times to better admire his majestic form. After I had enough, I clumsily climb on his back and try to find a comfortable position.

Jared stands up and grabs his skirt with his mouth, and they start the ride at a slow pace. After making sure I was holding on tight and won't fall, he starts to slowly accelerate until we are running at a fast speed. I hug his neck and try to enjoy my ride.

It's really exciting!

After a few minutes, we are before the mouth of a cave. I got down and Jared shifted back to his human form and put his skirt back on.

"What is in here?" I ask curiously.

"I will show you." He offers me his hand with a slight blush.

Oh my, what do we have here. Cute kitty learned to flirt. I hold his and he guides me happily inside. We walk for a bit and then the tight cave tunnel open to a spacious cavern with a gorgeous small water hole in the middle. The large cracks in the roof let light inside over the water.

We come closer to the water and I can see the bottom. It is only knee-deep. I jump in and Jared follows me. We played around in the water until I got tired of it. Thereafter, we kept talking while admiring the flowers growing inside the cavern.

We leave the cave and go to a place with lots of fruit trees. I tried many weird looking fruits that Jared confirmed that are comestibles. After I was full, we continued our walk.

Some annoying males tried to bother us a few times, but Jared managed to scare them away since most of them were stripeless with the rare on stripe among them. Good thing no stronger one interrupted us.

I was surprised the first time he growled threateningly at those males. He seemed so different from his usual self, but it was nice to find out that he's only shy around me and has no problem intimidating those bothersome males and protecting me.

I guess it's a male's instinct to protect his female.

He took me to a place with blooming trees next. We walked around for a while, but I got tired of all the walking, so I decided to call it a day and asked him to take me home. He changes into his beast form and I ride on him on the way back.

At home, I see Jason skinning a deer. He stops what he's doing and comes to greet me. I get down from Jared's back and give Jason a big hug. He seems to want to hug me back but is looking at his dirty hands from his prey. I laugh at him and release him.

"How was your day?"

"Wonderful. Jared showed me many nice places." Jared changed back to his beast man form and was currently tying his skirt, with his ears peaked in our direction.

"I'm happy for you. Dinner will be ready soon."

Jason goes back to working on his prey, while Jared took it upon himself to start a fire.

I go to my pile of furs and pillows under the tree next to our house and watch the two males work together.

They seem quite well coordinated with one another, and this is only the second meal they have cooked together.

After the food is ready, we eat together on my pile of furs. And again I had to ask them to grab some meat to eat.

I'm happy thy are thinking about me, but I can't possibly eat so much.

We have a peaceful meal together, and after I say goodbye to Jared, inviting him to see him again tomorrow.

All in all, it was a nice day.