Let's Continue

Qi Xia had been sitting in his seat the whole time, neither standing up nor searching for clues. He felt something was still off.

Similarly, psychologist Lin Qin also remained seated without standing up. "What are you thinking?" Lin Qin absentmindedly covered her mouth and nose, asking.

"Me?" Qi Xia blinked. "Why, are you going to give me a psychological diagnosis?"

"Not really. Although it's common for intelligent people like you to have some psychological issues, the current situation isn't suitable for psychological treatment," Lin Qin chuckled lightly. "I'm just curious about what you're thinking."

Qi Xia pondered for a moment and said, "I'm thinking about the reasons."


Ignoring Lin Qin, Qi Xia instead called out to Doctor Zhao and asked, "Doctor, how long can an ordinary person survive if shot in the heart?"

Doctor Zhao turned back, pondering slightly, and said, "If I recall correctly, when shot in the heart, a person will enter an unconscious state within a few seconds. But since medically, 'death' refers to 'brain death,' even when unconscious, the brain will still function for a few minutes."

Qi Xia nodded. "The guy who just screamed endured for a few minutes after being shot in the heart, indicating his body structure is much tougher than the average human, right?"

"Yes. Despite being shot in the heart, he remained conscious for several minutes."

Upon hearing Qi Xia and the doctor's conversation, everyone quieted down. It was the clear thinking of this scammer that had allowed all nine people to survive.

"Why do you think that is?" Qi Xia formed his index finger and thumb into the shape of a gun and placed it against his temple. "Most people would choose this way to commit suicide."

He thought for a moment, then aimed his hand from below at his chin. "Or this."

Qi Xia then pointed at his heart. "Either way... a suicide victim would choose a way to die that's as painless as possible. But why did he aim at his own heart?"

Qiao Jiajin played with the sheep's head mask in his hand and then turned over the man's head, saying, "Maybe this hot dog has a harder head, and a bullet couldn't kill him."

"Even if he spits blood, it proves his body structure is the same as ours," Officer Li said. "Even if he's stronger, at this distance, a shot to the head would undoubtedly kill."

Qi Xia nodded. "In that case, I can only think of one reason."

He pointed to the mask in Qiao Jiajin's hand and said, "The reason the sheep's head aimed at his own heart was probably to protect something. The 'game' probably isn't over yet."

Qiao Jiajin was taken aback. "You mean... he's afraid of damaging his mask?"

"That's right."

Under Qi Xia's direction, Qiao Jiajin turned the sheepskin mask over, revealing the rough sheepskin lining inside. A rotten, sour smell emanated from it.

As expected, just as Qi Xia had expected, the inside of the sheepskin mask was written in black pen. Some places were stained with blood, but Qiao Jiajin didn't care. He wiped it with his T-shirt, and the handwriting became recognizable.

"What's this?" Qiao Jiajin was puzzled and began to read the words in his non-standard Mandarin:

"I am 'Human Dog'." "You have been cursed." "I hope you survive." "The clock never stops, and danger lurks on all sides." "If you want to survive, turn in the direction of your hometown one hundred times." "Oh, by the way, they say mushrooms grow after the rain. Why aren't mushrooms afraid of rain?" "See you after the rain."

Qi Xia frowned slightly. It was indeed a hint for the next game...

The shadow of death lingering over them remained unbroken. They had died once, but were they going to die again?

"Hey, scammer, what does this mean?" Qiao Jiajin asked.

"How would I know?" Qi Xia snorted. "There are nine of us here. Do I have to be the one to think?"

Lawyer Zhang Chenzhe slowly sat down in his chair and said, "Although I don't want to admit it, your thinking aligns very well with the 'organizer.' If you have any ideas, please speak up."

"I..." Before Qi Xia could speak, the walls around them suddenly changed.

Under the shocked expressions of everyone present, holes appeared out of nowhere in the walls.

The cement walls were now like a constantly changing soft substance.

After a while, rows of holes appeared neatly arranged on the wall, as if they had always been there.

At the same time, the sound of chains being pulled came from all sides.

"What's going on?" The people panicked instantly.

"Look at the ceiling!" Someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and found that even the ceiling was full of densely packed holes.

Qi Xia finally stood up, took the sheepskin mask from Qiao Jiajin's hand, and carefully examined the last sentence.

"See you after the rain."


Qiao Jiajin cautiously walked to the edge of the wall, leaning in to look inside the hole. Suddenly, he was shocked and stepped back several steps in a row.

"What's wrong? What's inside?" Xiao Ran asked somewhat fearfully.

Everyone knew that Qiao Jiajin had a lot of courage. Now, seeing him startled and stepping back repeatedly, it must be something extraordinary.

"My goodness!" He yelled and wanted to find a place to hide, but found there was nowhere to hide.

"What's wrong? What's inside?" Zhao Doctor asked puzzledly.

"Damn it!" He yelled, "It's a harpoon inside! All the holes are 'retreating' harpoons!"

"What does 'retreating' mean?" Doctor Zhao asked in confusion.

"It should be 'cocked'," Qi Xia said. "Since just now, the sound of chains has been constantly heard. Now these harpoons are all cocked, and they may be fired at any time."

"Hey! Scammer, think of a solution quickly!" Qiao Jiajin came to Qi Xia's side anxiously. "If they all fire from all sides, where can we hide?"

Qi Xia thought carefully. It wouldn't be difficult for him to survive, after all, there were already two bodies on the scene. The penetrating power of the harpoons was limited. He only needed to pile the two bodies in the corner and hide behind them. Although he might get injured, the survival rate would still be very high.

"It will be difficult for everyone to survive this time. I also need to protect myself, so I won't help you anymore." Qi Xia said softly.

"You..." Qiao Jiajin wanted to speak but stopped, turning to Officer Li and Doctor Zhao for help, but they seemed even more at a loss.

Qi Xia looked at the few hints on the sheepskin mask again.

Did he misunderstand?

Only when the last person was left would this "game" truly end.

If everyone were allowed to survive, this killing game would continue to emerge.

After all, this room was very strange, with the walls changing at any time.

This didn't seem to conform to any scientific principles, more like magic.

But if the organizer was a powerful person who could use magic, why would he trouble these nine dead people?

Was this some kind of macabre game conducted by an organization managing ghosts?

While Qi Xia was lost in thought, Lin Qin, looking at the mask in his hand, spoke up, "There's something written here... a method to keep us alive, it says to 'turn in the direction of your hometown one hundred times.'"

Everyone calmed down a bit and began to ponder this sentence.

"Could it mean turning in the direction of our hometown ourselves?" Sweetie asked.

"That doesn't seem right." Qiao Jiajin shook his head. "In this room, how can you determine the direction of your hometown? And turning one hundred times by yourself, besides getting dizzy, what effect would that have?"

"I don't care! I'll try first!" Sweetie randomly chose a direction and began to turn in circles.

Qi Xia thought for a moment. It couldn't be that simple.