Chapter Eleven

Fate over Failure

"You are with me."

His voice gave her hope, and she knew it was him. His face over hers, loud breaths through his mask, and closeness made her heart jump. She had never felt that way with anybody; the feeling was new to her.

His eyes were dark green, sparkly, and he didn't want to stare into her eyes too long, for he might drown in them. 

Why would he cover his face? What is he hiding? Is he a monster?

The after-effect of the antidote hadn't worn off completely; her lids were half closed as she fought to stay awake and watch her saviour.

"How.. di.. did.. we…?" Shyva asked again with trembling lips.

"Save your breath." He scowled while she was in his arms.

She heard the cave crashing and collapsing. Fluttering her eyelids, her saviour didn't fret. He was so confident. Shyva was a bit scared he might not know what he was doing, but she trusted him and hoped he would get them out soon.

The crash stopped eventually.

On and on, his steps echoed on the cave floors littered with a few rocks; he was focused on getting her away rather than on himself.

Swift lips, too curious, always nosy yet beautiful. I wish I knew why I stalked her or why I was drawn to help her. I didn't want harm to come close to her; she's still discovering herself. Why would they send her on this suicide journey? Wasn't it her first task? 

I couldn't stop watching her in her classes and outside the dome. She wasn't supposed to mean anything, but she kept drawing me closer, and the closer she got exposed to my vulnerability. 

I had been with women. Vermeen saw to that even when I was against it, but he made us strong against our feelings. He taught us deceptions, but Shyva was no deception, or so I thought her to be.

With a thud, Vakiyv dropped her at the mouth of the cave. Shyva, whose colour was restoring bit by bit, jerked at the pain that stung her body.

"What did you do that for?" her voice was low, her strength still building up. He didn't look at her; his face was turned the other way like she wasn't there.

"If you were going to toss me like an animal, why did you help me in the first place?" 

He walked away from her, and she expected an answer.

"Tikada," she spat. 

"For a person who would be a meal to those slithering creatures, you curse me." He turned to look at her, shaking his head.

She hadn't expected he would understand the language.

He trapped her gaze, and his face held anger, "I wouldn't have bothered if you died, you know, or there was a little shred left of you."

She looked at him with horror. She thought he was the most terrible person she had ever met. She had reasons to believe he was protecting her because he cared for her, but her intentions, which she understood perfectly, were never about care.

"Be prepared; you will be taken soon."

"Taken?" What do you mean? She tried screaming, but it only came as a whisper.

The sound of rotating blades distracted her; they are for me.

When she looked around, she didn't find Vakiyv anywhere around her. He was gone.

A warplane landed a few yards from the mouth of the cave, and fully armoured soldiers descended with weapons and the appropriate gear for unexpected combat. Their ammunition lit up their path with laser beams.

Shyva waved her right hand with the bit of strength she had left before falling to the ground.

"There she is." A soldier pointed towards Shyva's slumped figure at the mouth of the cave. 

Two soldiers lifted her with their arms behind her, guiding her steps.

"Gratitude for saving me." She whispered, but she was never going to get a reply. Soldiers never responded to gratitude. 

Shyva's head fell backwards as they moved her to the warplane; her knees were weaker.

"Zrrrrr krrrrrr hghrrrrrrr

Shyva's, whose eyes were closed, opened in an instant, and her heartbeat pounded loudly.

"What is that?" a soldier behind the two assisting her asked, looking around with his light, but he saw nothing.

"We've to hurry… they are monsters… and they run too…." Shyva dragged.

A soldier gulped, and the two others hurried with Shyva to the plane while the others watched behind them.

A stampede of legs occurred on the ground when they were on the plane, and dust erupted in the air.

Everyone could hear.

"They are here?" a soldier announced.

Shyva thought they ran faster than when they welcomed her.

"Have you got any visuals?" the pilot asked.

"Negative. His assistant announced.

The pilot switched a button on the plane's monitor, which produced intersecting green linear laser lines around the plane. The laser lines moving from the plane were used to destroy anything that came within five yards of the warplane.

While the pilot prepared to fly, the noises grew louder.

"Get the HYC-30." The commander of the troop barked.

"Adhered, sir."

"Your eyes on anything?" 

The soldier with the heat sensor binoculars responded, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" The commander snatched the binoculars and looked for himself, but there was nothing.

Speaking through his sleeves, he asked the pilot, "How long would it take to fly out of this place?"

"Just a few moments."

"Zixcha." The commander cursed.

Shyva, whose eyes were wide with fear, looked through the glass window of the plane, monitoring the ground for any of the creatures. 

I do not want to die; I have just fulfilled my task; I want to go to my sisters and Nyla and talk about the day and rest. I am weak, and I force myself still, fearing in my sleep I shall be devoured.

"There they are," Shyva screamed as their many legs approached the ascending vessel. A few came close to the green beams and were sliced, but they didn't surrender.

The soldier in charge of firing the ammunition held no pity as he gripped the firing gears with both hands and rained slashing beams on the creatures.

The commander couldn't believe the multitude of creatures; Shyva was overwhelmed; she had no idea they were this numerous. As they ascended higher, shots were fired, killing many who leapt to grab onto any part of the vessel.

"Kill them all." the commander instructed even when the plane was in the air before flying at light speed.