Chapter Twenty-Three

The intruder...

Amidst an arid vast land laid to waste aeons ago. What occupied the stretch of ground were high-rise mountains. Lightning crackling at the peaks. The land had once been green vegetation and colourful flowers. An ecosystem that housed rare animal species and a vibrant environment that produced raw materials and food to enrich a population for a lifetime. Recently, times had changed, and it was disappointing that the wind blew across the soil that held stories of a great history. An intruder navigated her way through the harsh conditions of the environment. She staggered onward after days without food and water. The wind blew heavily, whirling particles that could blinden, choke the throat once inhaled, and break the skin. 

Wrapped in linen clothing and a scarf wrapped around her mouth, she struggled forward, feeling weaker by every drag of her feet. She wheezed and coughed, her eyes half-closed. She couldn't see as the area was enveloped with blackness, increasing her difficulty navigating her way. However, her instinct had revealed she was heading North.

She hoped and found bright white lights so far away. She couldn't believe her days wandering around a desert had brought her to the magnificent structure life couldn't comprehend. Fuelled with a hunger to survive, she moved onward.

"Listen, Red Lords." Nyla addressed the army of warriors over a floating podium. She counted thousands of men and envisaged the potential of such a great army. Nyla destroyed the idea of ridding every one of Vermeen's men—her enemies. Nyla cherished tying loose ends if she didn't wield a forceful hand. She might have to deal with rebels in the near future. But to transform these assets into her control, her plans had gained a better advantage for the coming future.

"These are different times, and they call for meticulous actions."

Faint whispers travelled through the lot, causing Nyla to purse her lips. "Overseer Vermeen", she swallowed hard, finding it difficult to spit the words out. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "has passed away, unfortunately. This unexpected…"

"You slaughtered him." A young man from the crowd displayed his opposition to her announcement. Standing aside from the orderly row of fine, strong warriors. His rebellion was inspired by a few others who were seen behind him, howling their displeasure. Nyla pursed her lips tightly, grinding her teeth at the insubordination. She smirked at using the term 'ínsurbodination' when she hadn't yet wielded her power. Her soldiers gathered around the stirring rebelliousness, and she raised a hand to stop enforcing command.

"I would like to tell you a brief story. I beseech you to listen, and then you can take your stance on your decisions." Nyla nodded to grab their attention. "I have only come here to seek your alliance." The crowd was quietened by her honesty. They anticipated what she had to say with eyes trained on her. Even the rebels succumbed to her finesse.

"Many years ago before your time. I came from a rough age where I fended for myself. It was nothing like what any of you have faced. I know you've heard of the Sivien Empire. The tragic fall. I didn't have brothers like you do. People to rely on and trust. I failed and almost lost my life. But the ships have turned. With my anguish, I built a world to shelter lost girls who lost their parents in the old war. I gave them a purpose and independence. I'm glad you're familiar with the Dome and the sisterhood. You know how hard we persevere, and with the best staff and resources, we will give you all you need to be yourself with a purpose. I'm aware our recent clash tainted me as the enemy, but Overseer Vermeen, as you know, wasn't an ally. He made that very clear when he used treachery to steal from the Dome. There is more to life than using vile tactics, and I'm offering you that life."

Nyla could decipher the crowd, which was swooned by her words. She didn't need the whole crowd to join her, but a reasonable number. Seeing she was winning souls, she concluded, "Become an ally and fight with us to build a better world. I'm not promising it would be an easy start. But I see a huge potential to change the world. Thank you."

"You think your fancy words would change what we stand for." The rebels were back, and Nyla had expected their uproar. "People who would be joining us should take their stand by the left. People against us should take the right." She chipped in. Many swarmed the other side of the field without hesitation, leaving a few hundred. Nyla was content.

"Seeing that these great men have made a difficult decision to stay on our side. We would prefer to ask what they desire for their enemies who don't share their vision."

It came to Nyla's knowledge that Vermeen's world had a weakness. The Blood Veil had principles, but there was never integrity. Nyla had created foundations of virtues to keep the sisterhood and her staff bonded. The Red Lords didn't share a deep friendship. They were greedy for power and recognition and would go to extreme lengths at the expense of a fellow warrior. Hence, her decision to use this to her advantage. Nyla offered two options for her newfound allies to deal with the rebels. The rebels feared being outnumbered, but what was to come was inevitable.

"Do we take them so they can be future enemies and murder us in our sleep, or do we end their misery? In favour of the latter, raise thy hand."

All of her new allies raised their hands without hesitation.


Immediately, a bloody fight broke out. The rebels weren't going down without a fight. Neither were the new recruits surrendering to defeat.

The coming hours in Nyla's office.

"Who do we have here?"

Nyla circled around the intruder. Watching her intently and seeing her as a threat.

"Commander, why is she in the Dome?"

"She breached the Dome. Our technology was able to isolate her before she did any damage."

Nyla's eyebrows raised abruptly at the news. "Leave us," Nyla ordered and was obeyed.

"Have a seat." The overseer offered after she took hers on one of the white sofas. Relaxing into the comfort of the furniture after a tough day. She had a fleeting imagination of when Shyva was in this room. Her heart squeezed painfully. She was still hunting, sending her best seekers to find her.

The intruder, who hadn't been harmed but had gone through a series of interrogations, lowered herself to the seat opposite Nyla.

"Since we're alone, you do not need to hide your face in the swaddling clothing."

The intruder who had found the Dome became a high-priority threat and potential asset. The intruder loosened the layers of clothing around her face, which had protected her from the harsh weather outside the Dome.

A brown face with white hair was revealed.

"I thought I had seen to all the Sandyers." Nyla drew her brows at the surprise. "You can find them here. Well protected and healthy. This a hoax." Nyla's voice grew hoarse, sizing the intruder up.

"I did not mean to threaten your world." The young woman couldn't stop admiring every inch of the office. "You have a beautiful world, I must say, but there are still many worlds out there that you do not know."

"What shall I address you?" Nyla asked, hiding her disdain for the newbie who sprung up tall tales. There was a better need for her time than listening to lies.

"Ladey." The rich ancient accent flourished from her full lips. Her face, so straight and accurate, bore an honesty, Nyla scrutinized. "The Sandyers have long since been exterminated from the Sivien empire. I watched the torture while I was in the army. A few could be saved. The very few of them I have here."

"However, I am highly interested in how you breached my Dome."

"Zina fu, yina ro vadicha. Ini a machi veduva niya." she communicated to show her appreciation for the Dome's civility in imprisoning her without harm.

"You speak Yondi, impressive, but I would need more to believe you."

"I'll show you." Ladey closed her eyes and slapped her palm at her chest level. Nyla watched. Then, the young girl's hands danced; her fingers moved with a different life as a crackling force morphed into a sphere. Ladey threw the sphere above them and revealed a map of a vast land.

"Fascinating," Nyla remarked as Ladey stood before the map, searching for areas.

"Here, here, here, and here." She tapped, revealing worlds hidden behind a veil. "Do you believe me, overseer?" Ladey bowed. Nyla slowly stood to her feet and trained her eyes on the new intelligence presented to her.

"Utterly," Nyla responded vaguely, fascinated by the revelation.