Chapter Twenty-Seven

The Past Sees the Light...

"Otolyt, is that you?" Shyva called as both girls had become young again. They hid from the Dome's soldiers while they had their little adventure, sneaking around and chuckling together. One was the adventurer, while the other was the protector. "This is a beautiful place. But there are too many rules. I don't like it here." Shyva pouted, running her gaze over the robots, moving past them and observing what was happening.

"We'll be heading to the lab in two vura. This is different, but I remember nothing about this place before coming here. Do you remember, Shyva? It's like we've lived here all our lives and cannot remember anything."

"No." Shyva shook her head, pouting her lips. "I don't remember anything. Just this place."

Otolyt shrugged, and Shyva reached her pale pink hand, holding their hands together. "We have each other. I won't let anything happen to you. Never." Otolyt beamed, and they marched to the laboratory.

Shyva remembered too many details that had been glitches in her mind. The young girls joined their peers. No one liked the laboratory. The scientists operated like robots. Shyva remembered the glass apparatus lining the table tops—numerous machines buzzing and steaming from experiments. The clothed scientists wore shielding gears while locked in steel chambers. The laboratory was clean and white tiled but had a blend of fruity and irritating scent. Shyva wrinkled her nose every time she was there. The scientists gave the youngling two tablets. "Open your mouths." The soldiers ordered the girls. The scientists needed to check if the girls hadn't hidden the pills inside their mouths.

The following procedure was the prodding of a syringe through their skin. Shyva's fright of needles surged. Otolyt had been before her and smiled after receiving her dose, but Shyva trembled.

"It's going to be well. I am here for you."

Otolyt's calm voice was reassuring that Shyva hadn't felt the sting. A few moments later, neither of the girls remembered their visit to the laboratory. It appeared their memories preceding the schedule for medical doses were wiped clean.

Shyva could recall another routine—the fighting circle. The young girls wielded tremendous strength in combat and were matched against opponents their age. They were toddlers who had been separated from their previous lives they couldn't remember. Otolyt performed poorly in combat. It was one of her weaknesses, while Shyva was formidable using anger and swiftness. While their friendship blossomed, many were against it, including officials, but Nyla had ordered the pair to remain untouched. Shyva needed a purpose, and she had one. To protect Otolyt.

Another routine was the Drowning. Children were tossed into a deep pool and left to defend themselves to the best of their abilities. Without aid, they paddled with their arms, and a few cried for help. However, the scientists, the commander, and the overseer studied them. After a significant period, the soldiers revived the failures and a few passed on to the next stage. Shyva had been the best, holding her breath at a stretch and diving to the bottom of the pool, where she smiled at Otolyt, swirling their hands in the water. The two were inseparable, and Nyla was concerned. She whispered to the commander to keep a watchful eye on Otolyt and Shyva.

There had been simulations and combats with soldiers and tutors that occurred most of her life. They took classes in Quantification, Analysis, Botany, Anatomy, Experimentations, Basic life support and several courses to build their knowledge and give a perception of the real world.

Shyva remembered a fateful day when she couldn't find Otolyt. Her short legs scampered around the Dome, rushing past hallways and bumping into her peers, but Otolyt wasn't found. She alerted her superiors, but they acted strangely. There was something they weren't telling her. Shyva decided she had to find her.

This was one of Shyva's memories, which Nyla emphasized should be buried deeply and never be resurfaced.

Unknown to Shyva...

Curious Otolyt had wandered far into the prohibited area of the Dome. The young girl hid away from the four-legged robots and soldiers. When she was little, it was difficult to notice her behind large objects. Young Otolyt wandered into an Air-Sel 002, a small vessel that could accommodate two passengers. She was captivated by the beauty. She pressed a button, and the glass enclosure slid upward. Otolyt stepped in, shutting herself before her rider took the gear and pivoted the aircraft out of the Dome. Otolyt hid, and anxiety awashed her; it was her first time above land. She was excited to see below, so she rose a little and peeped through the transparent window. Her eyes widened as her mouth did. They passed over deserts, forests, mountains, islands and rivers.

"This is beautiful; I hope Shyva sees this someday; she will believe me. There's so much outside the Dome."

The brown-haired girl marveled at the herds of creatures that thundered across the land. Purple skies further amazed her as she stretched her hand to reach for sona—the brightening mighty orb in the sky. The soldier saw her and couldn't contain her shock. They both stared at each other, too stunned to move.

Immediately, Otolyt was returned to the Dome, and she was accompanied by soldiers. Shyva saw her dilemma and perceived doom. She hurried, hoping to save her, but was dragged by the soldiers and taken on the path to the laboratory. "Otolyt," Shyva cried out, reaching for her hand as she was dragged away. "Shyva," Otolyt struggled to grab her hand, but they never met. Tears pooled in their eyes as they gave each other a long glance before they parted away.

Otolyt was isolated for three months. She was kept under surveillance, strict medication and a series of tests. Nyla couldn't have a child knowing so much about the outside world and destroying all she had worked for.

"Otolyt," Shyva returned from consciousness and found herself in his Vakiyv's arms. Don't resist me, fiery. It would take a while before you heal. You were broken for a while; I had to heal you."

"You hurt me."

"I had to tell you the truth. I do not apologize, for it was necessary. I had to tell you to discover your identity. And there's more, but that would begin once you reveal yourself. Then we might be capable of finding out your heritage."

" is my mother?" Shyva shuddered, seeking validation. Vakiyv nodded and closed his eyes. He couldn't watch her hurt. It pierced him. "Do you know my father?" Vakiyv's eyes opened wide, and his face contorted into a frown. "I don't know." He looked away, but she could tell he was hiding the truth.

"You know so much. Please tell me."

"You might not like what you hear."

"I stomached my mother's revelation. How terrible could the news of my father be."

"I want to protect you. You've been in a coma for two days. You're weak from so much you've been through, and I gather Otolyt is someone from your past."

Shyva tensed, and he sighed heavily. "Rest. I'll tell you when you're better." He laid her to rest on some clothing he skinned from a fur creature. Shyva's hand tightened around his arm, and it surprised him she wouldn't back down.

"Tell me." She begged; her vision was hazy from the coma, and the last of her strength was channelled into persuading Vakiyv to give her an answer.

"I can't risk you slipping."

"Tell me." Tears slid down her eyes, "I deserve to know the truth."

"Very well." He knelt before her and watched her pitifully. She was pale from lack of nourishment for two days. He had to find her something, but she valued the truth over her life. He owed it to her.

"Your father is Vermeen, Former Overseer of The Blood Veil. Nyla killed him."

Shyva fell into unconsciousness.