Chapter Thirty-One

The other side of life...

"I refuse to go with you." Shyva rose but fell flat on her face. The old hag grabbed a fistful of Shyva's hair and pulled tightly, lifting Shyva's head slightly from the ground to her face. Shyva resisted, but her pains only heightened, and she coughed more blood from her throat.

"I'll make myself clear, pretty face. I own you now. And I'll tell you something you need to know about me. When I pay for something, I make sure it never leaves me."

"Get your hands off me," Shyva muttered under a heavy gasp. The hag yanked harder at her hair, "What did you say?"

"I think she means she has accepted you as her owner. Ma Thelma. She's just acting normal as a child who has had switched parents. She'll get used to you in no time."