Chapter Thirty-Six

More than saving...

"Master, master. I call to you, Skull. Hearken to my voice and reveal thyself." Nyla backed away from the cave's wall. She was surrounded by darkness and all alone after instructing her crew to wait far away to have some privacy.

Nyla waited for what seemed like an eternity. She contemplated leaving when a huge whirl of shadows, darker than darkness, announced itself. The whirl went in circles, and within sprang a humongous creature, ancient in time and formidable in strength. A huge skull hid his face, and whirls of animated silhouettes moved around him. He held a golden staff etched with intricate scriptures.

"My master Skull," Nyla bowed her head, and he groaned in response.

"Why have you sought me at this hour, Nyla? After all, you have ignored my warnings."

"I did not wish to disobey. I acted…"