Chapter Fifty-One

I found you…

Thirty-five vura ago…

"Mama, it's great to be home." Nyla slung her bag from her shoulders to the chair. A frail woman appeared from within the apartment and lit up when she saw her daughter, her foster daughter. "You've not been home in vura. I was beginning to worry." The short woman cupped Nyla's face and lowered it for a kiss on the cheek. Nyla rubbed her hand over the woman's thin hands. She could feel more bones than flesh. "You've not been feeding well, I can feel all your bones." Nyla smiled in her mother's face and shook her head, "If you do not eat, I might meet your corpse one zaiva. And we don't want that happening, do we?"

"Your unbridled tongue. I have tried my best and finally given up." She rolled her blue eyes out of frustration, pouted her thin lips and sighed deeply. "You know I love you, mama. And my primary role is to make you eat."