Chapter Sixty-Eight

The sacrifice...

"Nyla," came Skull's thunderous voice while seated in her office behind her desk. Nyla's heart palpitated as her hands became clammy at such interruption. "Superior!" she rose to her feet and bowed ever so slightly, keeping her eyes on the ground. "It's great to have you here."

"How are our plans coming along?" His presence could barely fit the room, but somehow, a version of him floated before her desk with the staff positioned between his folded arms. He exhumed a powerful dominance that slightly rocked the Dome without alerting its threat detectors.

"I haven't found my daughter yet, and you wouldn't help me," Nyla said out of frustration, tightening her fists. "Superior, you're all mighty and all-powerful, and you still wouldn't lead me to my daughter."

"I sense your impatience, but take this as a challenge. As a punishment for defiling my orders, vasa ago. You are on your own."