Chapter Seventy

Darkness in my heart...

"Vakiyv," she gasped. His voice did a number on her, including the warmth spreading between her thighs. "I didn't see you when I awoke. Are you safe?"

"You remember the first time we met?"

"When I was on the brink of death!"

"You were so powerful yet weak. I was amazed at your strength. I watched how you defeated the queen, and I never told you anything lit up in me."

"I thought you never saw me as anything other than hasty and rash," Shyva smirked.

"I see so much in you, Shyva. My harsh training was never to underestimate but to push you past your limits. I never doubted you for once, even when you can be tough."

Shyva's laughter brought a smile to his face. Since he had unmasked his face, he found it difficult to wear his mask back. It was foolish living in the moment, but the mask melded to his face while he telepathed.

"Where are you? I can come join you and have the moment to ourselves."