Chapter Seventy-Six

There comes trust...

"Fine!" Nyla screamed, rolled her eyes and laced her fingers together, placing them over her head. She lowered herself to the ground and stood before Shyva, creating enough space between them. "I am the worst mother in this galaxy. I deserve a plaque that shows the whole world, but it doesn't mean I didn't want you in my life. To change our story. I never left you, Shyva." Nyla sniffed, rubbing away the moisture that tumbled down her nostrils.

Her eyes were moistened, almost glassy, and she was filled with so many emotions. Tender guilt cascaded over her sharp features. Nyla was different. She hadn't been this vulnerable since she lost Vermeen. The only person in the world whose blood ran through her veins was Shyva.

"I know you hate me for my deception, but it was never that way from the beginning."