
"You there, Lasara, that's your name, right?" Niard said, pointing to a girl standing in the back, hiding her evolution. She had human-like eyes with a gem in the center of her forehead, possessing the largest energy reserve.

Lasara stepped forward just to fall on her face, and some of the boys laughed at her mockingly, saying, "She's useless, what can that cripple do?" But Niard paid them no attention.

 As he chose four others as indicated by his system, to discover that there were no objections from the villagers, as these people were just troublemakers or individuals who were believed to be of no value on the asteroid.

Niard then looked at Fayaro and Ikoku, who stood like a shield to protect her from him. 'Will you stand like that, Fayaro, and let others protect you? You need to do your duty, even if that arrogant man chooses you, it's for the good of our people,' Fayaro thought as she clenched her fists.