The past 2 months had been a whirlwind of activity and progress for Shaurya and his growing band of allies. The Asura Intelligence Service had not only expanded its reach but also solidified its operations, establishing a network of secret bases, training grounds, and safe houses across the region. The time had come to take their efforts to the next level.

The night was calm as Shaurya gathered his core team for another crucial meeting in their main base, hidden deep within a dense forest. The air was thick with anticipation, the flickering light of oil lamps casting long shadows on the wooden walls.

Shaurya stood at the head of the table, flanked by Raj, Arjun, Meena, Ravi, and the other key members of their organization. Hamid, the young Muslim boy who had become an invaluable part of their group, sat beside Meena, his eyes wide with eagerness.

"We've made significant progress," Shaurya began, his voice steady and authoritative. "Our schools are operational, our recruits are receiving the training they need, and our raids have provided us with essential resources. But we need to ensure the sustainability and security of our operations."

Arjun nodded in agreement. "The British are increasing their patrols. They're becoming more suspicious. We need to find ways to stay ahead of them."

Meena leaned forward, her expression serious. "Our biggest challenge right now is funding. We can't continue to rely solely on the spoils from our raids. We need a more sustainable source of income."

Shaurya took a deep breath, considering their options. "I've been thinking about this. We need to establish businesses that can generate income without drawing attention to our activities. Small-scale industries, trading, and perhaps even partnerships with sympathetic merchants."

Raj raised an eyebrow. "But won't that require significant initial investment? We're already stretched thin as it is."

Shaurya nodded. "True, but it's a necessary risk. We can start small and gradually expand. We'll also need to establish a network of safe houses and supply lines to ensure we can move people and resources without detection."

Ravi, always the strategist, spoke up. "We should also focus on building alliances with other resistance groups. There are many who share our goals but lack the organization and resources we have. If we can unite them under a common cause, we'll be much stronger."

Shaurya smiled, appreciating Ravi's insight. "Agreed. We need to reach out to influential figures, leaders, and intellectuals who believe in our vision for a free India. We can use their support to bolster our efforts and spread our message."

Hamid, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke. "What about the children we've rescued? We need to ensure they have a safe place to grow and learn."

Shaurya's expression softened as he looked at the young boy. "You're right, Hamid. We'll continue to expand our secret schools and provide the children with not just education, but also a sense of purpose and belonging. We'll train them in various skills, depending on their interests and abilities."

Meena added, "We should also continue our efforts to rescue more children. There are many still suffering under the yoke of oppression. Every life we save is a victory."

Shaurya nodded. "Absolutely. And to ensure our security, we'll need to enhance our intelligence network. Our spies and scouts will play a crucial role in gathering information and keeping us one step ahead of our enemies."

Arjun, ever the pragmatist, raised a final point. "We should also be prepared for the possibility of direct confrontation. Our recruits need to be trained not just in guerrilla tactics, but also in conventional warfare. We need to be ready for anything."

The room was filled with a sense of resolve as Shaurya's allies absorbed his words. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but they were committed to their cause.

As the meeting progressed, Shaurya introduced a bold new plan. "In order to sustain our operations and ensure long-term funding, I will travel abroad to establish a business and secure additional resources. This will not only provide us with the funds we need but also help build connections with influential figures who can support our cause."

The room fell silent as Shaurya's allies processed this new information. Meena was the first to speak. "It's a risky move, but it could pay off immensely. How do you plan to go about this?"

Shaurya explained, "I have been in contact with J.R.D. Tata. He is a visionary and a patriot who believes in India's potential. I will meet with him to discuss initial funding and transportation methods for our operations. With his support, we can set up businesses that will generate steady income for the Asura Intelligence Service."

Raj looked intrigued. "How will you ensure the security of our activities while you're abroad?"

"I will leave the day-to-day operations in capable hands," Shaurya said, looking around the room at his trusted comrades. "Ravi, you will oversee our intelligence network. Meena, you will continue to manage the schools and training programs. Raj and Arjun, you will coordinate the raids and ensure our recruits receive the best possible training. And Hamid, you will assist in any way you can, learning and growing within the organization."

Hamid's eyes shone with pride. "I won't let you down, Shaurya sir."

Shaurya smiled at the boy's enthusiasm. "I know you won't, Hamid. Together, we will build a future where every child can grow up free from fear and oppression."

The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but Shaurya knew that with the support of his dedicated allies, they could overcome any obstacle in their path.