New York, October 1, 1851

Shaurya's arrival in New York was a momentous occasion. The journey from India had been long and arduous, but as he stood amidst the city's towering buildings and bustling streets, he felt the weight of possibility pressing upon him. New York, with its promise of opportunity and growth, was the perfect place to lay the foundation for his grand vision.

Beside him, Jamshedji Tata, his trusted ally, absorbed the city's energy with a similar sense of purpose. They had left India with a dream—to establish a business that would not only thrive but also serve as a stepping stone to making their homeland a formidable power on the global stage.

That evening, in the privacy of his rented room, Shaurya pondered the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The city hummed with life outside, but within, he was enveloped in a silence that fostered deep reflection. His thoughts were interrupted by a strange sensation—a tingling awareness that seemed to pulse from within.

Suddenly, the "Country Development System" that had remained dormant within him came to life. Shaurya's mind was flooded with a cascade of information, the system's interface appearing before his eyes with startling clarity.

System Notification: Activation Complete

Welcome, Shaurya.

System Explanation:

Store: Acquire resources, knowledge, blueprints, and more.

Personnel Panel: Recruit individuals and assess loyalty.

Mission Panel: Provides tasks with rewards and development points.

Personal Information:

Name: Shaurya Singh

Age: 16


Skills: Proficient in combat, espionage, military tactics,....

Organization: Asura Intelligence Service,

Development Points (Dev Points): 1000

Mission Panel Activated:

Main Objective: Make your homeland a superpower.

Sub-Objectives: Raids on British resources, business expansion, intelligence gathering.

Rewards: Development points, resources, personnel.

The system's main mission was clear: to transform India into a superpower. The path to achieving this goal would involve a series of strategic sub-objectives, each contributing to the broader aim of strengthening his homeland.

With the system now fully operational, Shaurya navigated to the Personnel Panel. Here, he could recruit individuals to aid in his mission. Each person available through the system came with a guarantee of loyalty and skills tailored to Shaurya's needs.

"Let's see," Shaurya muttered, scrolling through the profiles. He settled on a few key figures—individuals who would serve as the foundation for his operations in New York. Each acquisition cost 100 dev points, and with 1000 dev points at his disposal, he carefully selected ten personnel, ensuring he had a balanced team of experts in production, marketing, logistics, and intelligence.

Personnel Acquired:

William Peterson - Factory Manager

Elijah Morris - Marketing Specialist

Thomas Gallagher - Logistics Expert

Henry Brooks - Security Specialist

Samuel Parker - Financial Analyst

Richard Whitaker - Legal Advisor

Emily Collins - Research and Development Scientist

Alice Wright - Administrative Coordinator

Charles Bentley - Procurement Specialist

Arthur Hayes - Liaison Officer

Next day

With his new team in place, Shaurya convened a meeting in a secluded office space. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as the assembled group prepared to embark on this ambitious venture.

"We're going to start with the soap and perfume industry," Shaurya announced, projecting a confidence that inspired his team. "Our products will be of exceptional quality, crafted with natural ingredients and unique formulations that I have acquired."

William Peterson, the newly appointed Factory Manager, leaned forward. "I've reviewed the blueprints. The production facility can be set up within two months, provided we secure the right location and equipment."

"Location is crucial," interjected Elijah Morris, the Marketing Specialist. "We need to position ourselves in a way that maximizes visibility and access to the market."

Shaurya nodded. "Agreed. We'll need to conduct a thorough search to identify the best site. I've also decided that while I will oversee the operations, the official ownership of the factory will be under William's name."

There was a murmur of surprise among the group, but Shaurya continued. "This is a strategic decision. To avoid any complications related to nationality or race, it's essential that the business appears to be American-owned. This will facilitate smoother operations and market acceptance."

"Understood," said William, a determined look on his face. "I'll ensure everything runs smoothly on that front."

Shaurya: "We'll set up orphanages to care for displaced children. These institutions will also function as training grounds. The children will receive education and skills training to prepare them for future roles in our operations."

Alice Wright: "Managing these facilities will require considerable resources. How do we plan to staff and fund them?"

Shaurya: "We'll use our initial profits and continue to reinvest. We can also acquire dedicated personnel through the system to manage and train the children. They will be loyal and well-equipped for their roles."

Arthur Hayes: "And in the future, these trained individuals can support our activities in various capacities—be it intelligence, logistics, or direct action."

Shaurya: "Exactly. The goal is to build a network of loyal, well-trained individuals who can contribute to our overarching mission."

As the meeting concluded, Shaurya felt a surge of confidence. The system's awakening had provided the tools and direction needed to bring his ambitious plans to fruition. With a dedicated team and a clear strategy, they were poised to make significant strides toward their ultimate goal.

The system, with its promise of guiding him toward making his homeland a superpower, had ignited a flame within Shaurya. Each step taken in New York was a step toward realizing that dream, and with every plan and decision, he moved closer to his vision of a powerful future.