Chapter 102 The Lion of Hedong Roars in Rage

An Hao heard this and was so angry that her teeth itched with rage. She stifled the fire in her belly and turned her head to Lun Ying'e, crying out, "Auntie... listen to what Uncle Li is saying... isn't he just stabbing me in the heart?"

Seeing An Hao in tears, Lun Ying'e took off her shoe and charged at Li Wangfu, slapping him across the face with it not once but twice: "Are you out of your mind? Can't you keep your mouth clean? To think you're an elder! Is this how you behave?"

Li Wangfu, having been hit, felt a fiery rage building inside him, looking at An Hao's expression and wishing he could devour her.

"Ying'e, that little hussy must have fed you some kind of love potion, huh? Attacking me as soon as you come up!"

An Hao covered her face with her hands, her voice cracking with sobs, "Uncle Li, you can't insult someone like that. It's not like I deliberately saw you and that... who was it... sneaking into the bushes... I didn't mean to..."