Chapter 107 Never Give Up

"Dad!" An Shuchao had not finished speaking when An Hao interrupted her. She sprang to her feet, stuffing the clothes she had arranged into the closet, her voice icy, "This must be Bai Xue's idea! Dad, going to university is my dream. I will never give up on my education, no matter what. Tell Bai Xue to give up on this hope; I'll figure out the money myself."

Having said this, An Hao left the house without looking back.

Bai Xue was angry when she saw An Hao storm into her own room. Grinding her teeth, she cursed silently in her heart: An Hao, you little bitch, are you scheming against my mom behind my back? Just wait, I'll teach you a lesson when I get a chance.


Back in her room, An Hao felt terrible.

She had realized that no matter how much she tried to hold back and tolerate Bai Xue and her daughter, these two still didn't know when to stop, full of malice, and were intent on ruining her life.

The more they behaved like this, the more she could not submit to them.