Chapter 185: The Whole Family Mobilizes

Song Yueqin had a fever all night long, and though it subsided the next day, her cold was still severe.

Under these circumstances, she wouldn't be able to attend school for another two or three days, and her grades were already poor, so this wasn't doing her any favors.

Thinking of An Hao's face made her so angry she began to sob.

"Stop crying, if you can't study at school, just study at home! The environment is comfortable and warm," Zhang Juyun said.

As they brought up the subject, Song Yueqin remembered all her textbooks had been thoroughly torn to pieces by An Hao.

"Mom, I don't have a single textbook left, An Hao ripped them all up..."

"What?" Zhang Juyun's brows knitted into a tight frown, "What on earth happened with you two yesterday? Tell me about it, quick.

Song Yueqin retold the events that had happened at school yesterday, halfway through her story, Zhang Juyun was fuming with rage.