Chapter 218: Someone is under that tree!

"Sis, let's head over to the creek," An Ping said, perking up at the mention of food.

"It's already ten o'clock. Wouldn't it be a bit too late?" An Hao wasn't keen on going that far, especially at night, as she was somewhat afraid of the dark being a girl.

Even though there wouldn't be any bad people in the village, the thought of running out into the pitch-black night still intimidated her slightly.

"It's not late. In the summer, I was still catching scorpions on the mountain past two in the morning with Erzhuzi and the others," boys always tend to be braver.

Especially for a food lover, the temptation of delicious food trumps everything else.

"I'm not you," An Hao felt that despite the tastiness of the elm seeds, she didn't want to go at night, "If you really think it's that good, we can go tomorrow."

"But you've made up your mind, right? After you finish tomorrow, it will definitely take up half of your day again..."