Chapter 282: Personally Deliver Her

He saw a jeep parked at the entrance of the village, with a man standing underneath it, and that man was none other than Qin Jian.

"Sister, quick, look! Your fiancé is waiting for you!" An Ping immediately pointed at the vehicle and shouted.

An Hao looked up, and who else could that man be if not Qin Jian?

As soon as she saw Qin Jian, he also caught sight of her and began striding towards her.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing him, An Hao was somewhat surprised but also very delighted.

Qin Jian took the bag she was carrying and said in a deep voice, "I knew you had your college entrance exam today, so I specially came to see you off. I had wanted to come yesterday, but I was too busy with work and had to go on a field trip; I didn't get back until midnight."

He knew the exam site was far, and if she had to walk, it might delay her and also waste her energy.