Chapter 320: Beating for You

By this time, people cooling off by the riverside had gradually left.

Occasionally, a couple lost in their affection would sit by the river for a while, whispering softly, hugging and kissing intimately.

An Hao picked a rock to sit on and took off her shoes, stretching her snow-white feet into the crystal-clear river water. After a day under the scorching sun, the water was warm, and the flow tickled pleasantly as it passed through the gaps between her toes.

An Hao playfully splashed the water with her feet, causing small ripples, occasionally splashing Qin Jian and provoking a string of giggles from her.

"The first time I met you, I knew you were feisty, but I never imagined you'd be this playful!" Qin Jian said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, watching An Hao.

"Playful?" An Hao tilted her head and glanced at him, "Is this what you call being playful?"

"Is this not being playful?" Qin Jian tilted his head to dodge a splash she caused and chuckled.