Chapter 513: Searching for the Reason

About ten percent of the crops in this shed had died. Although it wasn't a lot and it didn't cause any significant financial loss, it was still quite frustrating.

"An Ping, how long have you noticed this phenomenon?" An Hao asked.

"Probably about half a month?" An Ping thought about the time, it seemed about right.

An Hao nodded, then said to An Ping, "You take them around the other sheds for a look, I need to study and figure out what's going on here."

"Okay. Take your time, sis."

An Ping took Manager Zhang and the others to see the vegetables growing in other Dapeng sheds, and was very satisfied. The two sides started negotiating the price.

After nearly a year of experience, An Ping had made considerable progress in this area. Coupled with his daily experience selling vegetables and understanding the market, the two sides haggled for half a day and finally compromised, settling for a price in the middle of what both had quoted.