Chapter 622: Why Don't You Go Rob a Bank?

Seeing her future mother-in-law getting angry, Song Yueqin quickly interjected to stop her own mother, "Mom, what are you saying? Look, you have upset Auntie! I don't even like to hear these words, let alone Auntie."

"Oh, what's wrong with you child... why are you helping outsiders against your own family."

Zhang Juyun was about to scold Song Yueqin but was stopped by her daughter's signaling glance.

"Auntie, please don't be angry! My mom is not good with words, but I know she is anxious about my marriage to Qin Fen. After all, I'm not getting any younger." In the village, girls my age are already married.

"If you want to get married, that's fine, but our family is not in a position to pay a dowry." Li Junping had seen through it; if this daughter-in-law marries into their household, there will surely be no peace in the future.

Now she was dead set on sabotaging the whole affair.