Chapter 1 We're Talking About King's Law (1)


The shrill ring of the cell phone shattered the silence of the night, and on the other end was the urgent voice of Traffic Police Team BOSS, Captain Liu, sounding as though he was rushing her to her doom, "Lian Qiao, we're shorthanded at the station. Get over here quickly."


After hanging up, Lian Qiao quickly changed into the police uniform she had received just a week ago and, full of energy, rushed out the door, while behind her her aunt called out in confusion, "Qiaoqiao, where are you going so late at night?"

"On duty!"

"Be careful——"

"I know, all right!"

Ignoring her aunt's drawn-out tone, she didn't stop for a second.

She had been living with her aunt since she was twelve, after her most admired and handsome father sacrificed his life for the country and her beautiful mother, who was skilled in traditional Chinese medicine, had vanished without a trace.

A fortune teller once said she had a tough fate, a lone star of Tiansha.


Thirty minutes later, she arrived at her destination.

At the crossroads, walkie-talkies and fluorescent rods were blinking.

The soldiers in fluorescent vests and her traffic police colleagues were all ready for action. A military off-road vehicle had been involved in an accident on the Beijing-Mianyang Expressway, striking a pregnant woman and fleeing the scene. The battalion was now working with the military region police to search for the offending vehicle at night and incidentally checking for drunk driving.

Right after arriving at the location, Captain Liu tasked her and two colleagues to another intersection, reminding them, "The focus is on drunk driving. Military vehicles are not our responsibility, even during military-civilian cooperation. Try to avoid trouble."

The old hands at the office, well-versed in bureaucracy, were clear in their implications.

Lian Qiao was a rookie just starting out, a disposable front-liner, naturally obeying orders.

But an hour ticked by and they hadn't caught so much as a drunkard, not even a cockroach.

Glancing at her watch, it was already 1:25 a.m.!

125, even after many years, she could still remember clearly—he had said he would love her.

At that moment——

An off-road vehicle that looked like a Land Rover Range Rover sped towards them at an alarming speed. Why did she feel it looked like one? Because it was a model she had never seen before, domineering and aggressive.

Later, she would learn that the vehicle was called 'War God', a modified multifunctional special forces combat vehicle—but of course, that was to come later.

She quickly glanced at her two colleagues, but they had their eyelids drooped, utterly disregarding it.

The miseries of a new recruit! She hastily stepped forward to intercept.

The off-road vehicle completely ignored her and continued to barrel forward arrogantly.

Oh, you want to run? Fine!

Clenching her teeth, she surged forward with a fearless sacrificial spirit and waved her hand again.

Still not stopping? There was a problem; she suspected it was the hit-and-run vehicle.

Damn it, she boldly stepped into the middle of the road!


The jarring sound of brakes pierced the eardrums as the off-road vehicle's sudden halt produced a sharp screech against the ground, strikingly eerie in the dead of night.

Saluting and smiling at the half-rolled-down window, Lian Qiao said, "Comrade, please show your documents."

"Are you ****ing trying to die?" A heavy Beijing accent, bone-chilling like hail in the depth of winter, piercingly cold!

"Comrade, please cooperate with our work."

"Move aside!"

The man coldly and unhappily scolded, the scent of alcohol wafting from him. Lian Qiao narrowed her eyes slightly and took two steps closer to the off-road vehicle. Inside, there were two men sitting, the man on the passenger side was handsome to the point of being somewhat demonic, his face flushed red, obviously drunk.

As for the driver—

Chilly, silent.

Their dark, sharp gaze swept over her, almost making her sneeze from the feeling of danger.

So cold! Who the hell was this guy? His presence was simply too strong!

He simply sat there, not making a single move, but his ruggedly attractive appearance and that arrogant dominance were like a ruler of the world; everyone should be groveling at his feet... Well, he certainly had a handsome face, and even his physique was flawless. That sort of energy could probably knock out women of all ages, but...

However handsome, you shouldn't be drunk driving, right?

"Drunk driving and still so arrogant? Your documents!"

"Get lost!" Xing Liehuo glared at her furiously, used to giving orders. This woman really had guts, daring to challenge him?

Lian Qiao was fired up.

Damn, acting all high and mighty, as if he were some emperor?

"I told you—to blow into the breathalyzer!"

Having said that, she took out the breathalyzer, pressed the POWER button, and with a flick of her small hand, thrust it through the car window.

Behind her——

Suddenly, she heard inexplicable gasping from her colleagues and a few whispered words—

"She's so bold... she..."

"License plate... Crown Prince... foolish..."

She didn't catch the words clearly, but she was full of disdain. Seasoned bureaucrats, taking the nation's salary, feeding on the taxes of the people, lazy and slick, picking on a new colleague.

One of these days, she would have to teach them a lesson!

Lian Qiao might look young with a pretty, tender face like a dew-nourished bud, but beneath that faux delicate exterior, behind that angelic smiling appearance, hid a heart both evil and scheming.

And a bellyful of wicked cunning no one knew about.

Her nose caught the barely discernible, strange scent coming from her hand, and Xing Liehuo felt a slight pang in his heart, looking at her with utmost coldness.

"Can't you understand? I told you to get lost!"

Who was being so insolent?!

Lian Qiao couldn't stand his icy look that felt as sharp as a bone gouger, but she was no pushover. She was the descendent of a family with three hundred years of martial arts heritage; her skills were not to be taken lightly.

A pretty boy, you think I can't handle you?

With a beautifully executed arrest technique, she swiftly clamped onto the arrogant man's jaw and forcibly inserted the mouthpiece of the breathalyzer into his mouth.

Then, with a slight smile, she said, "Comrade, keep it in your mouth and blow hard..."


Unexpectedly, in the next second, her wrist was forcefully gripped by the man, almost dislocating it.

If you could say Xing Liehuo had been merely cold before, now he was absolutely furious. The anger shot to his head and he would never have guessed that this scrawny girl could possess such skill. Caught off guard, he'd been taken advantage of.