Chapter 5 Bite You

A big, manly man doing such a nonsensical and childish thing, yet carrying it out so methodically, made him really want to burst into laughter.

Fortunately, he was earnest!

Cheeks, burning hot with heat.

Lian Qiao's pretty face reddened all the way to her ears, and when she raised her head to meet his cold, black eyes for a few seconds, his large figure cast a vast shadow over her in the dim light.

And she, slight as she was, was completely enveloped by it.

All her fury, deflated.

What on earth did this man want to do? He looked like a decent man, so why was he acting like such a beast?

But then again, hasn't it been said that all men are hooligans when it comes to that matter?

Could it be... could it possibly be...

Heavens! Was he planning to use his power to undermine her?

So sleazy! So wicked!

She despised this kind of bullying bureaucratic style, but after thinking it over for a moment, she still had to reluctantly reply, "If we're talking age, I'm 21."

He slightly curved his lips and said in a deep voice, "That's good."

That's good? Good, how?

Her mind hadn't caught up yet when she suddenly felt a cold breeze on the back of her head, followed by a sharp strike to her neck.

Then, darkness rushed in—

The world turned chaotic, her thoughts ceased, and she couldn't help but surrender.

Following that, she fell into the arms of the grim-faced king like a soft-bodied creature, and amidst the confusion, she felt a large hand wrap around her waist.

In the last moments of her fading consciousness, she remembered screaming with all her might, "Bastard! Shameless! Sneak attack!"

"Tsk tsk, boss, women are meant to be cherished, not hit, you should treasure the fairer sex..." Wei Liao chuckled softly as he saw this scene through the rearview mirror.

"Focus on driving, will you stop talking nonsense?" Xing Liehuo glanced at him, then looked down at the little girl slumped in his arms, slightly eased his hold and laid her body flat, with her little head resting on his own legs.

Shrugging his shoulders, Wei Liao shook his head and whistled a tune, boredly turning on the car CD, and soon, a soothing melody began to quietly fill the space.

Frowning slightly, Xing Liehuo leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes to rest, but his hand gently combed through the soft hair of the girl in his arms, massaging the spot on her neck he had just struck.

She was very soft.

The atmosphere was gentle, and his nostrils were teased by a faint, subtle fragrance that swirled around him, lingering in the confined space, making him suddenly feel somewhat weary.

His eyelids grew heavier, and he fell asleep.

Through the rearview mirror, Wei Liao saw his boss, breathing evenly in sleep, along with the little policewoman in his arms, and he was so surprised he felt like asking the sky for answers— What on earth was going on, his boss Xing had actually fallen asleep without the aid of medication?

How many years had it been since his condition started?

Heavens, a demon had truly been subdued!

After an unknown amount of time, the sharp ring of a cell phone abruptly awoke the sleeping man.

His eyes darkened slightly, Xing Liehuo felt a throb in his heart—had he been sleeping that deeply?

He rubbed the little head on his thigh and picked up the phone.


He listened quietly.

Wei Liao consciously turned off the CD.

However, for a long time, he didn't speak. After hanging up the phone, his voice suddenly cooled by eight degrees, "Take me to Weilai Garden. This girl... bring her to Jingli and hand her over to Bu Yanann."

His voice was hoarse and gloomy, his emotions indecipherable.

Wei Liao responded with a faint 'Hmm,' without turning back.

Soldiers take obeying orders as their sacred duty, never questioning the tasks bestowed by their superiors... of course, whether it's official business or personal matters.

Not knowing how long she had slept, Lian Qiao slowly opened her eyes, her mind still foggy.

She looked around.

This was a bedroom with simple black and white decorations, filled with an overwhelming masculine scent.

It was evidently a man's room.

The light inside the room was dim, casting a hazy, ambiguous glow that contrasted with the decor—on the wall directly in front of her, hung a richly colored oil painting, with stark contrasts of red, blue, and white: a rainy blue day, a woman in a red dress holding a white umbrella.

How strange! What place is this?

She moved her stiff neck; the abnormal sensations from her body jolted her awake.

Her hands couldn't move, her feet couldn't move. Startled, she looked down.

Damn it! Her wrists and ankles were tightly bound with military straps, and her traffic police uniform was nowhere to be seen. She was only wearing a semi-new men's military shirt that bore the scent of a strange man.

What was more dizzying was that inside the shirt, she was completely bare...

It was simply unimaginable, this scene.

Lewd, absurd, and erotic.

Stunned for a full two minutes, she gradually collected herself, her misfortunate situation coming back to mind. Looking at herself, her small face instantly flushed red, shame prickling her entire body uncomfortably, making her wish to bury herself in a hole.

The perverted, indifferent man—how dark must his psychology be?


Poor her, she had guarded her chastity for 21 whole years, and now was she going to lose it here?

Even though she was bold, faced with this situation, she felt a bit weak.

At this moment, the surroundings were deadly silent, not a sound to be heard, and that perverted man was nowhere to be seen.

This was really bad!



The door lock was turning...

Instinctively shrinking back, she tried her best to curl up her fully exposed beautiful legs, her hands clenching nervously.

Her eyes, staring fixedly at the opening door—

To her surprise, the one entering was not the perverted cold executioner.

In her field of vision, a slender high woman with short hair stared at her coldly, her neat military shirt tucked into her trousers and the three stars of a captain on her shoulders indicating she was no ordinary military officer.

Lian Qiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, at least it was a woman.

Ignoring her own repulsive and suggestive appearance, she tried to summon her customary charming smile, her dimples rippling, "Comrade, what's all this about? Can we untie me first and talk, okay?"