Chapter 10: The Power of Masculinity

Lian Qiao paused abruptly; before her mind could issue further instructions, her feet had preemptively stopped beyond her control.

After a year, this man still had the power to make her lose her composure.

But what was broken was broken, it would never fully heal. Fine, let's hear what he has to say! She quickly exhaled a breath of stale air and, musing, followed him to the side.

A sharp and icy glare shot from behind her, chilling to the bone!

Crown Prince was furious!


Yi Shaotian sighed, "He's not an ordinary man, not as simple as you think. Don't let yourself get hurt."

Her fingertips trembled slightly, and the long-forgotten pain unexpectedly came rushing back in full. Lian Qiao snorted softly, her beautiful eyes narrowing slightly, and her moist lips curled up in a mocking smile, "Every man is complicated. Superintendent, are you simple?"

"Qiaoqiao!" Yi Shaotian's gaze flickered softly as he spoke warmly as if greeting a long-lost friend, "Getting into the police force was your dream. Now that it's come true, just work hard and I'll be at ease. What are you trying to do?"

To hell with your ease, to hell with dreams coming true, Lian Qiao suddenly felt a surge of anger.

However, all these curses stayed in her heart; she was a lady.

She glanced at him with a smile that wasn't quite a smile; it must be said, the man was quite handsome, especially when he looked at you with that indescribable melancholy in the depths of his eyes, terribly captivating.

Back then, she was so charmed by that look that she suffered a humiliating defeat.

But by what right does this man stab you in the heart with a sharp knife and then come with a bandage to wrap you up, feigning concern by asking if you're bleeding and if it hurts?

A shameless person deserves annihilation.

A coldness flitted through her beautiful eyes as she smiled slyly, ,"Superintendent, I'll take good care of that thing for you..."

Not bothering to listen to his nonsense any longer, she turned around gracefully and headed towards the Crown Prince with a stern face, but when she met his dark eyes, her heart quivered.

His gaze was like a sharp blade, too intense to bear, and she barely managed to force a smile to appease him, getting cozy like a little lover.

"Let's go."

After a moment's thought, she turned back and waved politely to Yi Shaotian, "Superintendent, goodbye."

Xing Liehuo glared at her impatiently and grabbed her hand to squeeze it fiercely.

"Next time you have something, remember to report first."

"Got it!"

Watching their retreating figures hand in hand, Yi Shaotian's gaze darkened.

The Sky Hawk Squad's newly selected special combat soldiers stood neatly in formation on the rain-soaked ground.

In silence, they awaited the commander's instructions.

Military boots trod on the wet earth, helmets topped with rainwater; mist rose in the air and weapons gleamed with a faint cold light through the curtain of rain.

"Attention, at ease!"

"The People's Liberation Army of China, Red Thorn Special Forces Sky Hawk Squad new fighter collective training is now starting, 137 expected, 137 present. Requesting instructions from the commander!"

In the mist of rain, with camouflage paint on his face, Xie Mingcheng finished mustering his troops, saluting solemnly.

Xing Liehuo stood straight and still, his silent gaze on them carried a weight that felt almost tangible.

The formation was quiet, with only the sound of rain.


A sharp voice cut through the air, and over a hundred pairs of eyes instantly focused on him.

He surveyed each formidable face with the ease of an eagle, spreading firmness throughout the entire field with a speech far from the typical lengthy oratory of many commanders—his instruction was but a single sentence.

"Remember, your name is Red Thorn!"

Those few words, as always, ignited the sense of honor in all the soldiers.

Yes, they were Red Thorn!

Red Thorn, the elite soldiers of the People's Liberation Army of China! The sharp knife that enemies feared the most!

"Yes, always ready to sacrifice for our country!" The chorus of over a hundred iron-willed men shouted, their blood boiling with fervor.

"Sky Hawk!"

"Present!" Xie Mingcheng ran out of the formation and saluted.

"Ready arms!"

With a stylish pull of the gun bolt, Xing Liehuo aimed the dark barrel of his gun skyward, and after three shots rang out into the heavens, he raised his right hand in a solemn salute.

"Now, all present salute the 286 martyrs of the Red Thorn Special Combat Team who sacrificed for our country—"


Gunfire filled the air, and the rain blurred Lian Qiao's eyes. After getting used to the lengthy nonsense of officials in the traffic police force, she had to admit that the commander here was exceptional. With just a few words, she was ready to die for honor.

But pies don't just fall from the sky for no reason, whereas hail often strikes the crops unbidden.

Xing Liehuo handed his gun back to Xie Mingcheng and turned to look at her.

"Join the formation!"

His voice was really cold!

Lian Qiao was baffled; what was he up to?

"From now on, you are number 138, undergoing a three-month enclosed special forces training!" Xing Liehuo said emotionlessly and sternly, "138, join the formation!"

138? Your whole family is crazy!

Lian Qiao wasn't afraid of hardship, but what was the deal with staying among men all day?

"Report to the commander, I'm a woman and they are all men!"

Assessing the petite girl before him, Xing Liehuo's voice was deep and forceful, "In my eyes, there are only soldiers, no gender!"

No gender? That's easy for him to say; just last night they shared a blanket!

"May I ask, commander, can you sleep with men?"

Gritting his teeth inwardly, Xing Liehuo was on the verge of erupting in anger. This little girl had guts, daring to challenge him like this.

He glared at her and, with a calm facade but a stern voice, he ordered, "Disrespecting a superior, number 138, a five-kilometer loaded run!"

Let lightning strike her dead!

It finally dawned on Lian Qiao that all this righteous talk from him was simply about settling personal scores, retaliating against her.

Biting her lower lip, she glared back at him defiantly and spat out two words scornfully, "Human trash."

Xing Liehuo's eyes narrowed, "Say that again!"