Chapter 60 Seeking True Feelings in Romance (1)

After her work location shifted to Red Thorn Headquarters, Lian Qiao really hasn't been feeling too comfortable during this period.

The requirements of the Red Thorn Special Combat Team for cryptologic staff were incomparable to those of regular units. The strictness was off the charts. Ordinary cryptologic personnel had to process 200 words per minute for telegrams, and since she was the dedicated cryptologic staff for the officers, her assessment target was—350 words per minute.

She hammered away on the keys!

Tapping on the keyboard until her hands were sore, she was still far from reaching that goal.

Honestly, she would rather go out with the male soldiers to fight and kill than do this kind of technical work. Ever since she was young she hadn't done any delicate tasks. She was a wild girl, more used to brandishing swords and sticks than embroidering. Wasn't asking her to embroider just setting her up to fail?